
Modelna napoved nenadzorovanega sproščanja propana, metana in vodika v okolje
ID Kralj, Romana (Author), ID Novosel, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu smo s pomočjo programov ALOHA in Phast modelirali nenadzorovan izpust propana, metana in vodika v okolje. Uporaba programa ALOHA in Phast predstavlja učinkovit pristop pri ocenjevanju posledic morebitnih nezgod in pri predhodnemu prostorskemu načrtovanju kot tudi pri načrtovanju zadostnih varnostnih ukrepov, s katerimi lahko nezgodo ali ponovitev modelirane nezgode v prihodnosti preprečimo. Pri modeliranju nenadzorovanih izpustov propana, metana in vodika smo pri obeh programih uporabili enake vhodne podatke, s katerimi smo zagotovili primerljivost pridobljenih rezultatov. Ključne spremenljivke so predstavljale vrsto nevarne snovi, količino nevarne snovi, energijsko vrednost nevarne snovi in meteorološke podatke za značilno poletni in značilno zimski čas. Izbira ustreznega programa je pogojena s cilji analize, dostopnostjo vhodnih podatkov in potrebnim odzivnim časom. Ugotovili smo, da program Phast omogoča prikaz rezultatov večih modelnih napovedi hkrati, medtem ko program ALOHA ne omogoča hkratnega prikaza rezultatov za več scenarijev. Pri izhajanju nevarne snovi iz rezervoarja, pri čemer snov ne gori, je horizontalna komponenta plinskih oblakov večja od vertikalne, kar pomeni da so vsi plinski oblaki po obliki bolj horizontalni kot vertikalni glede na površino terena. Vplivna območja (območje vnetljivosti, območje toplotnega sevanja) imajo v primeru modelnih napovedi za propan večji obseg od vplivnih območij modelnih napovedi za metan, vendar nobena od teh vrednosti ne presega doseženih razdalj vplivnih območij za modelne napovedi nenadzorovanega sproščanja vodika. Vplivna območja propana in metana (za modelne napovedi z enako maso in za modelne napovedi z enako energijsko vrednostjo) značilna za poletni čas imajo sicer manjši obseg kot vplivna območja za zimski čas, vendar imajo vplivna območja za vodik večji obseg pri meteoroloških pogojih znaličnih za zimski čas.

Keywords:modelna napoved, ALOHA, Phast, propan, metan, vodik
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162986 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:216844803 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Model prediction of uncontrolled release of propane, methane and hydrogen to the environment
In the master's thesis, we modeled the uncontrolled release of propane, methane, and hydrogen into the environment using the ALOHA and Phast software programs. The use of ALOHA and Phast represents an effective approach in assessing the consequences of potential accidents, as well as in preliminary spatial planning and the design of adequate safety measures that can prevent accidents or the recurrence of modeled incidents in the future. When modeling the uncontrolled releases of propane, methane and hydrogen, we used the same input data in both programs to ensure the comparability of the obtained results. The key variables included the type of hazardous substance, the quantity of the hazardous substance, the energy value of the hazardous substance, and meteorological data for both typical summer and winter conditions. The choice of an appropriate program depends on the objectives of the analysis, the availability of input data, and the required response time. We found that Phast allows for the simultaneous display of results from multiple model scenarios, while ALOHA does not support the concurrent presentation of results for several scenarios. In the case of a release of hazardous substances from a reservoir, where the substance does not ignite, the horizontal component of the gas clouds is larger than the vertical component, meaning that all gas clouds are more horizontally than vertically oriented in relation to the terrain surface. The impact zones (flammability zone, thermal radiation zone) for the modeled predictions of propane cover a larger area than those for methane, though neither of these extends beyond the distances reached in the modeled predictions of uncontrolled hydrogen release. The impact zones for propane and methane (based on identical mass and energy value predictions) are smaller for summer conditions than for winter conditions, but the impact zones for hydrogen expand further under the meteorological conditions typical for winter time.

Keywords:model prediction, ALOHA, Phast, propane, methane, hydrogen

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