
Varovalni dejavniki in dejavniki tveganja pri spoprijemanju družine z diagnozo Prader Willi sindrom : magistrsko delo
ID Grubar, Karmen (Author), ID Poredoš, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Žgur, Erna (Comentor)

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Diagnoza redke genetske bolezni pri otroku, ki ima kompleksne posledice za otrokovo življenje in onemogoča običajno življenje, kot je Prader-Willi sindrom, je za primarno družino veliko negativno presenečenje. Od družine zahteva številne prilagoditve. Pri družinskih članih pridobivanje in postavitev diagnoze ter spoprijemanje z njo povzroči številna, raznolika čustva. Ta spremljajo spoznavanje s sindromom in spoprijemanje z najrazličnejšimi izzivi, potrebnimi prilagoditvami in oblikami pomoči, ki jih zahteva posamezna redka bolezen. Že v obdobju dojenčka in malčka, pa tudi kasneje v otroštvu se pri posameznikih s Prader-Willi sindromom družina srečuje s specifičnim potekom razvoja in značilnostmi otroka. To lahko pomembno vpliva na psihosocialno blagostanje in delovanje celotne primarne družine. Psihosocialno blagostanje vseh članov družine z otrokom z redko boleznijo je tesno povezano tudi s posameznimi varovalnimi dejavniki in dejavniki tveganja znotraj družine in širše družbe. Identifikacija varovalnih dejavnikov in dejavnikov tveganja nam omogoča zagotavljanje primernejših oblik intervencij za vse člane družine. Namen te študije primera je raziskovanje spoprijemanja s čustvi in diagnozo Prader-Willi sindrom z vidika dejavnikov tveganja in varovalnih dejavnikov pri različnih družinskih članih otroka s to boleznijo. Poleg tega se usmerimo tudi na celostno subjektivno blagostanjem posameznih članov primarne družine otroka s Prader-Willi sindromom tekom njegovega razvoja. Rezultati kažejo na ugodno razrešeno spoprijemanje po obdobju predelovanja širokega spektra negativnih čustev, h kateremu pomembno doprinese tesna družinska povezanost, resilientnost in za posameznika primerne strategije spoprijemanja z diagnozo in povišanimi stopnjami stresa. Kljub končanem procesu spoprijemanja se družina dečka s PWS med otrokovim razvojem spoprijema z najrazličnejšimi izzivi, ki imajo velik vpliv na njihovo subjektivno blagostanje. Ugotavljamo, da je za dobro subjektivno blagostanje ključnega pomena predvsem podpora bližnjih in okolice, posameznikove značilnosti kot so odločnost, prilagodljivost in samoučinkovitost, dostopnost socialnih olajšav in usposobljenost strokovnjakov.

Keywords:Prader-Willijev sindrom, Dedne bolezni pri otrocih, Družina, Prader-Willi sindrom, subjektivno blagostanje, varovalni dejavniki, dejavniki tveganja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:K. Grubar
Number of pages:89 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162927 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:209396227 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Protective and risk factors in families coping with a diagnosis of Prader-Willi syndrome
The diagnosis of a rare genetic disease in a child, which has complex consequences for the child's life and prevents a normal life, like Prader-Willi syndrome, is a big negative surprise for the primary family. It demands numerous adjustments from the family. The process of diagnosis and coping with the disease triggers various emotions in the family members. These emotions accompany the process of understanding the syndrome and dealing with the various challenges, necessary adaptations and forms of support that each rare disease requires. As early as infancy and toddlerhood and later in childhood, families of people with PWS are confronted with specific developmental patterns and characteristics of the child. This can have a significant impact on the psychosocial well-being and functioning of the entire primary family. The psychosocial well-being of all family members who have a child with a rare disease is closely linked to individual protective and risk factors within the family and wider society. Identifying protective and risk factors allows us to offer more appropriate forms of intervention for all family members. The aim of this case study is to explore the mechanisms for coping with emotions and the diagnosis of Prader-Willi syndrome from the perspective of risk and protective factors in different family members. In addition, we focus on the overall subjective well-being of the individual members of the primary family of a child with Prader-Willi syndrome throughout his development. The results indicate successful coping after a period of processing a wide range of negative emotions, which is significantly supported by close family cohesion, resilience and appropriate coping strategies in dealing with the diagnosis and increased stress levels. Although the family of a child with Prader-Willi syndrome has completed the coping process, they continue to face various challenges during the child’s development that significantly affect their subjective well-being. Our results show that the most important protective factors for optimal subjective well-being are support from family and friends, individual characteristics such as determination, adaptability and self-efficacy, accessible social services and the competence of professionals.

Keywords:family, Prader-Willi syndrome, subjective well-being, protective factors, risk factors

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