
Doživljanje stresa zaposlenih in študentov na področju upravljanja človeških virov
ID Ravnjak, Teja (Author), ID Pavlin, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 4E2A2DF3C440310E33EDD34F62C0DB61

Stres je izziv, s katerim se posamezniki soočajo vsakodnevno, povzročajo pa ga stresorji in pritiski, ki izvirajo iz delovnega mesta, pa tudi akademskega okolja. Ti povzročajo precej negativnih posledic, zato je ključno učinkovito obvladovanje stresa. Kadrovska služba zaradi narave dela, časovnih pritiskov, obsežnega dela in komunikacije doživlja precej stresa. Te pritiske občutijo tudi študenti upravljanja človeških virov na fakulteti oziroma ob študentskem delu. K intervjuju smo povabili šest zaposlenih in šest študentov s področja upravljanja človeških virov ter prišli do nekaterih ključnih dejstev. Zaposleni se s stresom soočajo v primeru časovnih pritiskov, obsežnega dela, menjave delovnega mesta in pri prevzemanju odgovornih nalog. Študenti pa se zaradi želje po napredovanju v karieri spoprijemajo z dokazovanjem na delovnem mestu, poleg tega pa še s stresom, ki izhaja iz akademskega sveta, in sicer zaradi izpitnega obdobja in skupinskih seminarskih nalog. Ves ta stres vodi v tesnobo, prokrastinacijo, slab spanec ali celo pretirano premišljevanje. Obvladuje se ga z različnimi aktivnostmi, samoučinkovitostjo in samoorganizacijo, organizacije in fakultete pa z delavnicami ter izobraževanji le pripomorejo k dodatnemu obvladovanju. Naša raziskava je tudi potrdila, da sta stres in kariera soodvisna, saj stres posameznika spodbuja oziroma demotivira, vsekakor pa je osebnost tista, ki je povezana s posameznikovo dovzetnostjo za stres.

Keywords:stres, kariera, zaposleni, študenti, upravljanje človeških virov, osebnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162867 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Experiencing stress of employees and students in the field of human resource management
Stress is a challenge that individuals face on a daily basis, caused by stressors and pressures originating from the workplace as well as the academic environment. These lead to many negative consequences, making effective management crucial. Human resources departments, due to the nature of their work, time pressures, extensive work and communication demands, experience significant stress. These pressures are also felt by students of human resources management at the faculty or during their student work. We invited six employees and six students from the field of human resources management for an interview and identified some key findings. Employees face stress in situations involving time pressures, extensive workloads, job changes and taking on responsible tasks. Students, due to the desire to advance in their career, cope with proving themselves at work, in addition to the stress arising from the academic world, namely because of the exam period and group seminar assignments. All this stress leads to anxiety, procrastination, poor sleep or even excessive overthinking. Stress is managed through various activities, self-efficacy and self-organization, but organizations and faculties only contribute to stress management through workshops and training. Our research has also confirmed that stress and career are interdependent, as stress motivates or demotivates an individual, but it is definitely the personality that is related to the individual's susceptibility to stress.

Keywords:stress, career, employees, students, human resource management, personality

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