
Mlečnokislinska fermentacija in mikrobiološka varnost liofiliziranih hišnih čričkov in ličink mokarja
ID Plateis, Zala (Author), ID Jeršek, Barbka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Jamnik, Polona (Comentor)

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Svetovna populacija narašča, posledično se povečuje potreba po novih virih beljakovin. Žuželke predstavljajo eno od obetavnih rešitev. Kljub njihovim prednostim, je zagotavljanje varnosti teh novih živil ključnega pomena. Fermentacija je ena najstarejših metod konzerviranja živil in lahko izboljša mikrobiološko varnost žuželk, vendar je to še vedno precej neraziskano področje. V magistrskem delu smo proučevali, ali mlečnokislinska fermentacija vpliva na mikrobiološko varnost liofiliziranih hišnih čričkov (Acheta domesticus) in ličink mokarja (Tenebrio molitor). Žuželki sta se pred fermentacijo najbolj razlikovali v vsebnosti sporogenih bakterij, enterokokov in plesni, katerih so hišni črički vsebovali več. Preizkusili smo tri različne fermentacije: z dodatkom starterske kulture bakterij vrste Lb. plantarum, dodatkom mesne starterske kulture ter spontano fermentacijo. Fermentacije smo potrdili z merjenjem vrednosti pH in spremljanjem rasti mlečnokislinskih bakterij, pri čemer padec vrednosti pH ni bil izrazit pri nobeni od izvedenih fermentacij, medtem ko se je število mlečnokislinskih bakterij po vseh treh fermentacijah povečalo v obeh vrstah žuželk. Rezultati so pokazali, da med fermentacijami ni bilo bistvenih razlik v mikrobiološki varnosti fermentiranih žuželk, razen v primeru sporogenih bakterij pri hišnih čričkih, kjer sta kontrolirani fermentaciji bolj zaviralno vplivali na njihovo rast. V nobenem vzorcu nismo zaznali patogenih bakterij rodu Salmonella, vrst Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli, Bacillus cereus, Clostridium perfringens, ter koagulaza pozitivnih stafilokokov in koliformnih bakterij. Fermentacija je zavrla rast plesni, kvasovk in aerobnih sporogenih bakterij v fermentiranih hišnih čričkih ter rast plesni in kvasovk v fermentiranih ličinkah mokarja. Skupno število aerobnih in anaerobnih mezofilnih bakterij ter enterokokov se je po vseh treh fermentacijah povečalo v obeh vrstah žuželk. Naši rezultati kažejo, da lahko fermentacija liofiliziranih žuželk izboljša mikrobiološko varnost žuželk, čeprav so potrebne nadaljnje raziskave za optimizacijo fermentacijskega procesa.

Keywords:alternativni viri beljakovin, žuželke, hišni črički, ličinke mokarja, liofilizacija, fermentacija, mlečnokislinske bakterije, mikrobiološka varnost, patogeni mikroorganizmi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[Z. Plateis]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162846 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:209385475 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Lactic acid fermentation and microbiological safety of house crickets and mealworm larvae
Due to the growing global population, the need for new sources of protein is increasing. Insects are one of the promising solution. Despite their advantages, ensuring the safety of these new foods is of paramount importance. Fermentation, as one of the oldest methods of food preservation, can improve the microbiological safety of insects; however, this area is still relatively unexplored. In this master's thesis, we investigated whether lactic acid fermentation affects the microbiological safety of freeze-dried house crickets (Acheta domesticus) and mealworm larvae (Tenebrio molitor). Before fermentation insects differed the most in the number of sporogenic bacteria, enterococci, and molds, with house crickets containing more of these. We performed three different fermentations: the addition of Lb. plantarum starter culture, the addition of a meat starter culture, and spontaneous fermentation. We confirmed the fermentations by measuring pH and growth of lactic acid bacteria (LAB), where the pH drop was not significant in any of the fermentations performed, but the number of LAB increased in all samples. The results showed that there were No significant differences in the microbiological safety of fermented insects between the different fermentations, except in the case of sporogenic bacteria in house crickets, where the controlled fermentations had a more inhibitory effect on their growth. No pathogenic bacteria of Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli, Bacillus cereus, Clostridium perfringens, coagulase-positive staphylococci, and coliform bacteria were detected in any sample. Fermentation inhibited the growth of molds, yeasts, and aerobic sporogenic bacteria in house crickets, and the growth of molds and yeasts in mealworm larvae. The total number of aerobic and anaerobic mesophilic bacteria, and enterococci increased after all three fermentations in both types of insects. Our results indicate that fermentation of freeze-dried insects can improve their microbiological safety, although further research is needed to optimize the fermentation process.

Keywords:alternative protein sources, insects, house crickets, mealworm larvae, freeze-drying, fermentation, lactic acid bacteria, microbiological safety, pathogenic microorganisms

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