
Hidracija otrok s primarnimi glavoboli
ID Kunstek, Patricija (Author), ID Benedik, Evgen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bizjak, Neli (Comentor)

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Glavoboli močno vplivajo na zdravje otrok in mladostnikov. Namen naše raziskave je bil preučiti vpliv hidracije, dejavnikov življenjskega sloga ter preskrbljenosti z vitaminom D na glavobole. Izvedli smo intervencijo, kjer smo vsakemu udeležencu individualno določili priporočeni vnos tekočine skladno s smernicami ter svetovali o ustreznem izboru tekočin. Po štirih mesecih smo ugotavljali učinke intervencije. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 60 otrok in mladostnikov s primarnimi glavoboli, ki so obiskali triažno ambulanto Pediatrične klinike, UKC Ljubljana, med majem in septembrom 2023. Raziskava je bila odobrena s strani Komisije Republike Slovenije za medicinsko etiko (KME:0120-423/2023-2711-6). Podatke smo pridobili z antropometričnimi meritvami, bioimpedančno analizo, vprašalniki ter laboratorijskimi preiskavami. Po štirih mesecih so udeleženci statistično značilno povečali vnos tekočine (p<0,001), kar je vplivalo na zmanjšanje pogostosti (p<0,001) in intenzitete (p<0,001) glavobolov, ne pa na trajanje (p=0,19). Pomanjkanje spanja (p=0,05) je povzročilo pogostejše glavobole, izpuščanje zajtrka (p<0,005) pa intenzivnejše glavobole. Izpuščanje obrokov, uživanje hranilno bogatih in hranilno revnih živil, čezmerna hranjenost, telesna nedejavnost, prekomerna uporaba zaslonov in pomanjkanje vitamina D niso vplivali na glavobole (p>0,005). Naša raziskava je prva, ki je potrdila, da zadostna hidracija pomembno vpliva na glavobole pri otrocih in mladostnikih ter poudarja ključni pomen vnosa tekočine kot učinkovite nefarmakološke intervencije.

Keywords:primarni glavoboli, otroci, hidracija, prehrana, življenjski slog, vitamin D
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[P. Kunstek]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162841 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:209429251 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Hydration in children with primary headaches
Headaches significantly impact the health of children and adolescents. Our study aimed to evaluate the effects of hydration, lifestyle factors, and vitamin D on headaches. We conducted an intervention where participants received personalized hydration recommendations based on guidelines, and advice on appropriate fluid choices. After four months, we assessed the intervention’s effects. The study included 60 children and adolescents with primary headaches, who visited the Triage Clinic at the Pediatric Clinic, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, between May and September 2023, approved by the Slovenian National Medical Ethics Committee (KME:0120-423/2023-2711-6). Data were collected through anthropometric measurements, bioimpedance analysis, questionnaires, and laboratory tests. After four months, participants significantly increased their fluid intake (p<0,001), leading to reduced headache frequency (p<0,001) and intensity (p<0,001), but with no effect on duration (p=0,19). Sleep deprivation (p=0,05) led to more frequent headaches, skipping breakfast (p<0,005) resulted in more intense headaches. Skipping meals, consumption of nutrient-dense and nutrient-poor foods, overweight, physical inactivity, excessive screen time, and vitamin D deficiency had no significant impact on headaches (p>0,005). Our study is the first to confirm the impact of proper hydration on headaches in children and adolescents, highlighting its importance as an effective non-pharmacological intervention.

Keywords:primary headache, children, hydration, nutrition, lifestyle, vitamin D

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