
Razvoj novega gostiteljskega seva za metodo dvohibridni sistem kvasovke
ID Zavodnik, Tina (Author), ID Petrovič, Uroš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Dvohibridni sistem kvasovke (Y2H) je in vivo metoda za določevanje binarnih proteinskih interakcij (PPI). Temelji na modularni sestavi transkripcijskega aktivatorja Gal4, ki uravnava izražanje genov, vpletenih v metabolizem galaktoze. Veže se na regulatorna aktivacijska zaporedja galaktoznih promotorjev (UAS$_{GAL}$) in v prisotnosti galaktoze aktivira transkripcijo genov družine GAL. Gal4 je sestavljen iz DNA-vezavne domene (DBD) na N-koncu, aktivacijske domene (AD) na C-koncu proteina in sredinske povezovalne oziroma homodimerizacijske domene. Posamični domeni DBD in AD samostojno ne moreta interagirati in aktivirati transkripcije, a če prideta v neposredno bližino, izražanje tarčnih genov poteče. V kontekstu Y2H obe domeni prideta v neposredno bližino le v primeru, ko med proteinoma vabe in plena, vezanima na DBD oziroma AD, pride do interakcije. Metoda Y2H je zelo razširjena in predstavlja osnovo za številne druge metode za določevanje PPI v živih celicah kvasovke. Kljub svojim prednostim pa ima klasična metoda Y2H nekaj omejitev, med drugim visok delež lažno pozitivnih in negativnih rezultatov ter zamudno pridobivanje rezultatov zaradi počasne rasti gostiteljskega seva, poda pa nam le kvalitativne rezultate PPI in nobenih podatkov o afiniteti PPI. Cilj magistrske naloge je bil torej pripraviti nov gostiteljski sev za metodo Y2H, s katerim bi lahko premagali zgoraj naštete ovire klasičnega Y2H. Novi gostiteljski sev TZ88 izvira iz laboratorijskega seva BY4741 in vsebuje štiri poročevalske gene pod nadzorom različnih galaktoznih promotorjev – dva poročevalska gena za komplementacijo avksotrofije za histidin oziroma uracil (HIS3 in URA3), poročevalski gen, ki omogoča odpornost proti Hyg (HygR) ter poročevalski gen EGFP, katerega izražanje enostavno določimo z meritvijo intenzitete fluorescence njegovega produkta, zelenega fluorescenčnega proteina. Vsi štirje poročevalski geni se v sevu izražajo tako v prisotnosti endogenega kot tudi eksogenega Gal4 na gojiščih z glukozo. Sev TZ88 na selekcijskem gojišču brez histidina, uracila in v prisotnosti Hyg učinkovito ločuje med negativno kontrolo in proteini, ki so znani interakcijski partnerji. V primerjavi z za Y2H uveljavljenim sevom PJ69-4a je sev TZ88 bolj selektiven, saj za izločitev ozadja izražanja HIS3 ne potrebujemo dodatka kompetitivnega inhibitorja 3-AT, vendar je hkrati tudi manj občutljiv, saj z dodatkom 3-AT izgubimo rast v primeru interakcije šibkejših interaktorjev. Rast seva TZ88 je v primerjavi s PJ69-4a boljša v bogatem in kompletnem sintetičnem gojišču, rast v tekočih selekcijskih gojiščih pa je primerljiva. Poročevalski gen EGFP se pri obeh sevih izraža le v prisotnosti Gal4, z vabo in plenom v kontekstu Y2H pa ga nismo uspeli dokazati.

Keywords:dvohibridni sistem kvasovke, Gal4, EGFP, sev TZ88
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162819 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:216838147 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2024
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Title:Development of a new host strain for yeast two-hybrid assay
The yeast two-hybrid system (Y2H) is an in vivo method for determining binary protein-protein interactions (PPIs). It is based on the modular transcriptional activator Gal4, which regulates genes involved in galactose metabolism. Gal4 binds to the upstream activating sequences of galactose promoters (UAS$_{GAL}$) and, in the presence of galactose, activates the transcription of genes. Gal4 consists of a DNA-binding domain (DBD) at the N-terminus, an activation domain (AD) at the C-terminus, and a homodimerization domain. The DBD and AD alone cannot interact and activate transcription. In Y2H, these domains combine only when an interaction occurs between the bait and the prey, bound to DBD and AD, respectively. The Y2H method is widely used and forms the basis for many other methods for determining PPIs in live yeast cells. Despite its advantages, the classical Y2H method has several limitations, including a high rate of false positives and negatives, it is time-consuming due to slow growth of the host strain, and it provides only qualitative PPI results without any knowledge about the affinity of PPI. The aim of this master's thesis was to develop a new host strain for the Y2H method to overcome the limitations of the classical Y2H. The new host strain TZ88 is derived from the laboratory strain BY4741 and contains four reporter genes under the control of different galactose promoters: two reporter genes for auxotrophy complementation (HIS3 and URA3), a reporter gene that enables resistance to hygromycin B (HygR), and the reporter gene EGFP, whose expression is easily determined by measuring fluorescence intensity of its product, green fluorescent protein. All four reporter genes are expressed in the strain in the presence of both endogenous and exogenous Gal4 on glucose media. The TZ88 strain effectively distinguishes between negative control and known interaction partners on selection media without histidine, uracil, and in the presence of hygromycin B. Compared to the established strain PJ69-4a, the TZ88 strain is more selective as it does not require the addition of competitive inhibitor 3-AT to eliminate background expression of HIS3, but it is also less sensitive since the addition of 3-AT results in the loss of growth that relies on weaker interactors. The growth of TZ88 is better compared to PJ69-4a in the rich and complete synthetic medium, while growth in liquid selection media is comparable between the two strains. The EGFP reporter gene is expressed in both strains only in the presence of Gal4, but with bait and prey we were unable to detect its expression.

Keywords:yeast two-hybrid, Gal4, EGFP, strain TZ88

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