
Ekonomski vidiki legalizacije drog
ID Biček, Ajda (Author), ID Zajc, Katarina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Legalizacija drog je predmet razprav preteklega stoletja. Razprave strokovnjakov so posvečene pravni ureditvi regulacije drog in njenih učinkov na gospodarstvo in družbeno blaginjo. K problemu pristopijo bodisi z zgodovinskim pregledom določenega režima bodisi s primerjalnopravnim pregledom ureditev različnih držav. V literaturi zasledimo moralne, družbene in ekonomske argumente. Ta naloga se osredotoča le na slednje. Namen tega magistrskega dela je raziskati ekonomske učinke legalizacije drog. Središče dela predstavljajo področje stroškov in koristi ter povzetek glavnih stališč stroke glede možnih sprememb v primeru legalizacije. Magistrsko delo je zasnovano na hipotezi, da legalizacija drog družbi prinaša večje ekonomske koristi kot njihova kriminalizacija. Vrednotenje bo osnovano na študijah, ki temeljijo na oceni družbenih stroškov in koristi drog, ter dopolnjeno z analizami vezanimi na snovi, pri katerih je mogoče spremljati odziv potrošnikov na spremembo državne regulative, tj. z analizo posledic ameriške prohibicije in raziskavami, ki ocenjujejo vpliv legalizacije konoplje. Kljub morebitnim ekonomskim koristim je legalizacija drog zelo kompleksen problem. Upoštevati je treba, kako na obnašanje potrošnikov vplivajo zgodovinski in kulturni kontekst ter javno mnenje, kar otežuje izoblikovanje zanesljivih zaključkov.

Keywords:analiza stroškov in koristi, stroški, koristi, legalizacija, kriminalizacija, negativne eksternalije, pigovijska analiza stroškov in koristi, cenovna elastičnost povpraševanja, droge, psihoaktivne substance
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162801 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2024
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Title:Economic aspects of drug legalisation
The legalisation of drugs has been the subject of debate for the last century. For many years, experts have focused on the legal regulation of drugs and its effects on the economy and social welfare, either through a historical overview of a particular regime or through a comparative legal approach between different countries. The literature is replete with moral, social and economic arguments. This thesis focuses only on the latter. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the economic effects of legalisation. The focus of the work is on the areas of costs and benefits, the adverse consequences of drugs and a summary of the main views of the profession on the trend in drug costs in the event of legalisation. The thesis will be based on the hypothesis that legalising drugs brings greater economic benefits to society than prohibition. The conclusions will be supported by studies based on studies assessing the social costs and benefits of drugs and complemented by substance-specific analyses where consumer response to a change in government regulation can be monitored, i.e. an analysis of the consequences of American Prohibition and studies assessing the impact of cannabis legalisation. Despite the potential economic benefits, the legalisation of drugs is a very complex problem that cannot be viewed from a single perspective. Historical and cultural contexts and influences on public opinion have to be taken into account, making it difficult to draw firm conclusions.

Keywords:cost-benefit analysis, costs, benefits, legalisation, criminalisation, negative externalities, Pigovian cost-benefit analysis, price elasticity of demand, drugs, psychoactive substances

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