
Razvoj davčne politike v EU
ID Grašič, Peter (Author), ID Zajc, Katarina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo obravnava razvoj davčne politike v EU na področju neposredne obdavčitve gospodarskih subjektov. Izhodišče za delo predstavlja Sporočilo Evropske Komisije Evropskemu Parlamentu in Svetu: Obdavčitev podjetij za 21. stoletje, iz katerega je razvidna vizija Evropske Komisije na tem področju. Jedro Sporočila predstavljajo štirje predlogi direktiv, in sicer UNSHELL, DEBRA, Steber 2 in BEFIT, ki jih v nalogi predstavim ter ovrednotim, saj tako lahko najbolje ponazorim razvoj davčne politike v EU. Gre za zanimivo področje, saj tradicionalni koncepti mednarodnega davčnega prava ne ustrezajo več izzivom sodobnega gospodarstva, za katerega sta značilni globalizacija in digitalizacija. Poleg tega ima EU omejeno pristojnost za ukrepanje, kajti sprejema lahko le direktive, ki jih soglasno potrdi Svet EU. Države članice imajo namreč pravico do veta, zato morajo za dosego soglasja sklepati politične kompromise. Izmed štirih predloženih direktiv je bila sprejeta le direktiva Steber 2, zato magistrska naloga nadalje analizira, kateri so tisti odločilni dejavniki, ki vplivajo na uspeh prav tega predloga. Ugotovitve kažejo, da sta za sprejem potrebna tako vsebinska dovršenost predloga kot politična volja vseh držav članic. Medtem ko sta bila UNSHELL in DEBRA vsebinsko pomankljiva, za BEFIT in Steber 2 ni bilo politične volje, vendar je bil slednji kljub temu sprejet. Direktiva Steber 2 je bila namreč oblikovana na podlagi mednarodnega davčnega sporazuma o dvostebrni rešitvi v okviru delovanja OECD/G20 BEPS, pri čemer ta odraža nacionalne interese ZDA. Delo ugotovi, da soglasje tako ni bilo posledica svobodne volje vseh držav članic EU, ampak je bilo doseženo zaradi političnih pritiskov ZDA na države članice, ki predloga sicer ne bi podprle.

Keywords:EU, neposredni davek, davčna politika, obdavčenje podjetij, direktiva na področju neposredne obdavčitve, davek od dohodka pravnih oseb, UNSHELL, DEBRA, Steber 2, BEFIT
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2024
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Title:Development of Tax Policy in the EU
The master thesis examines the development of EU tax policy in the field of direct taxation of businesses. It bases its analysis on the Communication from the European Commission to the European Parliament and the Council: Business Taxation for the 21st Century, which presents the EU's vision in this area. At the core of the Communication are four proposals for directives, namely UNSHELL, DEBRA, Pillar 2, and BEFIT, which are presented and evaluated, as this is the best way to illustrate the evolution of tax policy in the EU. This is an interesting area as traditional concepts of international tax law are no longer adequate to the challenges of the modern economy, which is characterised by globalisation and digitalisation. In addition, the EU has extremely limited competence to act since it can only adopt directives if they are unanimously approved by the Council, which effectively means that the Member States have a veto. The latter means that Member States have to make political compromises in order to reach unanimity. Of the four directives put forward, only Pillar 2 was adopted, hence the thesis analyses the decisive factor responsible for the success of this particular proposal. The thesis concludes that both substantive refinement and the political will of all Member States are necessary. UNSHELL and DEBRA are substantively lacking, while there was no political will for BEFIT and Pillar 2, nevertheless, the latter was still adopted. The Pillar 2 Directive is based on an international Two-Pillar solution under OECD/G20 BEPS, which reflects US national interests. The thesis concludes that unanimity was not the result of free will of all EU Member States, but was achieved due to political pressure from the US on Member States that would otherwise not support the proposal.

Keywords:EU, direct tax, tax policy, corporate taxation, direct taxation directive, corporate income tax, UNSHELL, DEBRA, Pillar 2, BEFIT

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