
transformacija in prenos iz BIM v MKE: primer ANSYS
ID Sarisar, Collins Lemashon (Author), ID Brank, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Cerovšek, Tomo (Comentor)

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Gradbena industrija se zanaša na informacijsko modeliranje zgradb (BIM) za upravljanje vizualnih in funkcionalnih vidikov stavb. Vendar pa prenos teh podatkov v platforme za analizo z metodo končnih elementov (MKE, angl. Finate Method Analysis), kot je ANSYS, za statično in dinamično analizo predstavlja pomembne izzive, kot so diskontinuitete geometrije, napake pri Booleanovih operacijah pri konstruktivni geometriji in težave pri prenosu materialnih in drugih lastnosti. Da bi se spopadli s temi izzivi, raziskava predlaga metodologijo za izboljšanje natančnosti in učinkovitosti prenosa podatkov iz BIM v ANSYS. Študija primera poenostavljenega modela mostu, sestavljenega iz nosilnega nosilca, stebra, pilotov in kapitelja pilota, je uporabljena za preizkus te metodologije. Ocenjujeta se dva poteka dela, Dynamo v ANSYS in IFC v ANSYS, glede njune sposobnosti prenosa podatkov ob ohranjanju celovitosti modela. V poteku dela Dynamo v ANSYS se model prenese kot žični okvir z uporabo formata SAT, medtem ko se v poteku dela IFC v ANSYS model prenese kot trdna geometrija prek formatov, kot so STEP in IGES, pri čemer IFC deluje kot vmesni format. Poleg tega je preizkušen format za strukturno analizo (SAF) z uporabo enakega mostnega modela, prenesenega iz ArchiCAD v SCIA Engineer in FEM-Design za primerjavo. Izvedejo se statične in modalne analize na modelu v različnih formatih, da se oceni njihova sposobnost obravnave kompleksnosti modela in zagotavljanja skladnosti pri prenosu podatkov. Kazalniki, kot so kakovost mreže, deformacije, upogibni momenti, modalne oblike in učinki mase, se uporabljajo za oceno učinkovitosti posameznega poteka dela. Skozi te raziskave študija prepoznava prednosti različnih potekov dela za prenos podatkov iz BIM v ANSYS. Čeprav ostajajo izzivi, kot so enosmerna narava metodologije in obravnava bolj zapletenih geometrij, formati, kot je SAF, ponujajo obetavne priložnosti za nadaljnjo avtomatizacijo postopka prenosa podatkov.

Keywords:prenos podatkov, ANSYS, FEM model, metrična mreža, BIM, SAF, IFC, Dynamo, Revit, FEA, Interoperabilnost, Archicad
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2024
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Title:BIM to FEM transformation and transfer: an ANSYS case study
Building Information Modelling (BIM) is relied upon to manage both the visual and functional aspects of buildings. However, transferring this data into Finite Element Analysis (FEA) platforms like ANSYS for structural analysis presents significant challenges such as geometry discontinuities, Boolean operation failures, and difficulties in translating material properties. To address these challenges, the research proposes a methodology to improve the accuracy and efficiency of data transfer from BIM to ANSYS. A case study of a simplified bridge model, consisting of a girder beam, pier, piles, and a pier cap is used to test the methodology. Two workflows, Dynamo to ANSYS and IFC to ANSYS, are evaluated for their ability to transfer data while maintaining model integrity. The model is transferred as a wireframe using the SAT format in the Dynamo-to-ANSYS workflow. In contrast, in the IFC-to-ANSYS workflow, the model is transferred as solid geometry via formats such as STEP and IGES, with IFC acting as an intermediate. The Structural Analysis Format (SAF) is also tested by transferring the same bridge model from ArchiCAD to SCIA Engineer and FEM-Design for comparison. Static structural and modal analyses are performed on the model in different formats to assess their ability to handle model complexities and ensure consistency in data transfer. Metrics such as mesh quality, deformations, bending moments, modal shapes, and effective mass ratios are used to assess the effectiveness of each workflow. Through these investigations, the study identifies the strengths of different workflows for transferring data from BIM to ANSYS. While challenges such as the unidirectional nature of the methodology and the handling of more complex geometries remain, formats like SAF offer promising opportunities for further automation of the data transfer process.

Keywords:Data transfer, ANSYS, FEM Model, Mesh Metrics, BIM, SAF, IFC, Dynamo, Revit, FEA, Interoperability, Archicad

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