
Automation possibilities of requirements checking for digital building permits issuing when introducing IFC standard : master thesis
ID Karn, Anshika (Author), ID Tekavec, Jernej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Lisec, Anka (Comentor)

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Compliance checks play a crucial role in the process of building permitting as it ensures the quality of the designs of building submitted for construction. In addition to being the most important step in the process, it is also the most complicated one as it involves great technical expertise to thoroughly check all the details in the drawings and models against the standard regulations. Although most of the steps in the building permitting process is digitalised and automated, the compliance checking process is manual, in most countries, which makes the process time taking and exhausting for the experts, creating a need for the automation. Some studies have developed BIM-integrated compliance checking methods in the past few years, which are utilised in some parts of the world, but the need for a framework that is accessible and interoperable is still present. The work in this dissertation follows a mixed approach research methodology to automate the compliance checking process with the integration of open BIM standards like IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) and IDS (Information Delivery Specification). With the incorporation of theoretical study and practical application, the dissertation aims to design and develop a workflow to check the information of IFC files against the general regulations of building standards. The aim is to provide an efficient and practical solution for regulatory compliance checking in the process of building design and permitting. To analyse the effectiveness and limitations of the developed framework, it is demonstrated on a real-world scenario with the general regulations and project prototype in the context of Nepal. The results indicate its practical adaptability along with some challenges providing opportunity for future advancements.

Keywords:master thesis, civil engineering, building permit, compliance, checking
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Karn]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XVIII, 94 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162784-ce384a4b-bf58-1cee-0b1f-879d1bd678ed This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:209619203 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Možnosti za avtomatizacijo preverjanja zahtev za izdajo digitalnih gradbenih dovoljenj ob uvedbi standarda IFC : magistrsko delo
Preverjanja skladnosti igrajo ključno vlogo v postopku pridobivanja gradbenih dovoljenj, saj zagotavljajo kakovost projektov za gradnjo. Poleg tega, da je najpomembnejši korak v procesu, je tudi najbolj zapleten, saj vključuje veliko tehničnega znanja za temeljito preverjanje vseh podrobnosti v načrtih in modellih glede na standardne predpise. Čeprav je večina korakov v postopku izdaje gradbenih dovoljenj digitaliziranih in avtomatiziranih, so postopki preverjanja skladnosti v večini držav ročni, zaradi česar je postopek za strokovnjake dolgotrajen in naporen, kar ustvarja potrebo po avtomatizaciji. Nekatere študije so v zadnjih nekaj letih razvile integrirane metode preverjanja skladnosti BIM, ki se v nekaterih delih sveta že uporabljajo, vendar je potreba po sistemskih rešitvah, ki so dostopne in interoperabilne, še vedno prisotna. V tej nalogi smo raziskali možnosti za avtomatizacijo postopka preverjanja skladnosti z integracijo odprtih standardov BIM, kot sta IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) in IDS (Information Delivery Specification). Z vključitvijo teoretičnega študija in praktičnih primerov uporabe je cilj naloge oblikovati in razviti potek dela za preverjanje informacij v datotekah IFC glede na splošne predpise gradbenih standardov. Cilj je zagotoviti učinkovito in praktično rešitev za preverjanje skladnosti s predpisi v procesu gradbenega projektiranja in pridobivanja dovoljenj. Za analizo učinkovitosti in omejitev razvitega ogrodja je prikazan na scenariju resničnega sveta s splošnimi predpisi in prototipom projekta v kontekstu Nepala. Rezultati kažejo na njegovo praktično prilagodljivost skupaj z nekaterimi izzivi, ki zagotavljajo priložnost za prihodnji napredek.

Keywords:magistrska dela, gradbeništvo, gradbeno dovoljenje, BIM, IFC, IDS, openBIM, skladnost, preverjanje

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