
Študija katastrskega urejanja in evidentiranja nepremičnin cestne infrastrukture za primere mostov in predorov : magistrsko delo
ID Črnigoj, Nina (Author), ID Lisec, Anka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Suhadolc, Eva (Comentor)

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V magistrski nalogi se osredotočamo na problematiko evidentiranja večkratne rabe prostora v Sloveniji, kar predstavlja izziv tudi za druge države s tradicionalnim 2D katastrom. Glavni cilj naloge je raziskati trenutno stanje evidentiranja večkratne rabe prostora in možnosti za izboljšanje tega sistema v prihodnosti, pri čemer se osredotočamo na mostove, predore in viadukte. V nalogi so najprej predstavljeni rezultati analize mednarodnih smernic in primerov dobrih praks, kjer so nekatere države že uvedle naprednejše rešitve v primerjavi s pristopi v Sloveniji. Sledi podroben pregled slovenske zakonodaje in obstoječih evidenc. Empirični del raziskave temelji na podrobni analizi štirih izbranih primerov iz prakse, s katerimi smo želeli potrditi in preučiti slabosti trenutnega sistema, ki smo jih deloma prepoznali že ob pregledu literature. Ugotovili smo, da trenutni sistem evidentiranja nepremičnin cestne infrastrukture v Sloveniji dejansko ne zagotavlja zadostne preglednost in pravne varnosti z vidika prostorske opredelitve objektov, na katere se nanašajo različne stvarne in druge pravice ter obveznosti lastnikov ali upravljavcev te infrastrukture. Kataster nepremičnin ne omogoča jasnega prikaza večkratne rabe prostora, podatki v Zbirnem katastru gospodarske javne infrastrukture pa niso povezani z zemljiško knjigo. Primeri iz tujine, kot so Švedska in Nizozemska, so pokazali, da uvedba 3D katastra in bolj celovitih rešitev omogoča bolj transparentno evidentiranje in upravljanje prostora.

Keywords:magistrska dela, gradbeništvo, 3D kataster, nepremičninske evidence, zemljiška knjiga, elaborati, gradbeno-inženirski objekti, evidentiranje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Črnigoj]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (2 datoteki PDF (X, 71str. + 18 str. pril.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162782-7bd90506-9015-9105-26d0-e23292b66043 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:209787651 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Study of the cadastral arrangements and registration of road infrastructure's real properties for the cases of bridges and tunnels : master thesis
The Master's thesis focuses on the problem of multiple land use registration in Slovenia, which is also a challenge for other countries with a traditional 2D cadastre. The primary purpose of the thesis is to investigate the current situation of the registration of multiple use of space and the possibilities for improving this system in the future, focusing on bridges, tunnels and viaducts. The thesis first presents the results of an analysis of international guidelines and good practice examples from some countries that have already implemented more advanced solutions compared to the approaches in Slovenia. The empirical part of the research is based on a detailed analysis of four selected study cases, which we used to confirm and examine the weaknesses of the current system, which we had already identified in part during our literature review. We found that the current system of registering real estate of road infrastructure in Slovenia does not provide sufficient transparency and legal certainty in terms of the spatial definition of the objects to which various property and other rights and obligations of the owners or operators of this infrastructure relate. The real estate cadastre does not allow for a clear representation of multiple uses of space, and the data in the Public Infrastructure Cadastre (slov. Zbirni Kataster gospodarske javne infrastrukture) is not linked to the cadastre and the land register. Examples from abroad, such as Sweden and the Netherlands, have shown that the introduction of a 3D cadastre and more comprehensive solutions allows for a more transparent recording and spatial management.

Keywords:master thesis, civil engineering, 3D cadastre, real estate register, land register, field book, civilengineering facilities, registration

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