
Analiza terestričnih meritev v geodetski mreži HE Melje
ID Žnidarič, Mia (Author), ID Savšek, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Marjetič, Aleš (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi smo se ukvarjali z geodetsko mrežo na mali hidroelektrarni Melje. Zanimalo nas je predvsem, kako geometrija mreže vpliva na natančnost določitve prostorskih koordinat. Zanimalo nas je tudi, katera vrsta mreže bo optimalna za izmero, in predpostavili smo, da bo to kombinirana in vpeta geodetska mreža. Najprej smo na kratko opisali hidroelektrarno in mrežo na njej, nato smo opisali stabilizacijo in signalizacijo merskih to k. V nadaljevanju so predstavljene metoda izmere, uporabljena geodetska oprema in metoda izračuna. Slednja se za ne s pripravo surovih opazovanj, nadaljuje z redukcijo dolžin, horizontalnih smeri in zenitnih razdalj ter se konča z izravnavo višinske in horizontalne geodetske mreže. V nalogi so predstavljeni pogoji za dobro geodetsko mrežo na hidroelektrarni in pričakovana natančnost. Z rezultati smo natančneje predstavili in opisali različne primere geodetske mreže ter komentirali dobljene natančnosti in jih ovrednotili. Rezultate smo predstavili grafi no s pomočjo elips pogreškov, hkrati pa smo jih povzeli tudi v obliki preglednic. V zaključku smo se osredotočili na povzetek ugotovitev in na hipotezo, predstavljeno v uvodu naloge. Hipotezo smo nato argumentirali in jo potrdili.

Keywords:hidroelektrarna, precizna klasi na geodetska izmera, analiza geometrije geodetske mreže, MHE Melje, izmera geodetske mreže, izravnava geodetske mreže
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of terrestrial measurements in the geodetic network of the Melje hydroelectric power plant
The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyze the geodetic control network at Melje, a small hydroelectric power plant, with emphasis on the effect of the geodesic grid on the power plant's accuracy. The primary interest is which type of network would be optimal for measurement. We hypothesize that it would be a combined or constrained geodetic network. Initially, there's a description of the power plant and its associated network, followed by the description of the stabilization and signaling of the individual nodes. Subsequently, we take a look at the method of measurement along with the geodesic equipment used and the method of calculation. The latter begins with the preparation of raw observations, proceeds with the reduction of distances, horizontal directions, and zenith distances. It ultimately concludes with the adjustment of the vertical and horizontal geodetic network. Throughout the thesis, we also present the necessary conditions for a well-established geodesic network on a hydroelectric power plant and the expected accuracy of such a network. In the results section, we present and describe the geodesic grid's variations more accurately as well as arguments for their accuracy. The results are displayed in a graphical format using an error ellipse and are also summarized in a table. In the conclusion, we focus on summarizing the findings and revisit the given hypothesis. The hypothesis is then argued, evaluated, and ultimately confirmed.

Keywords:hydroelectric power plant, precise classical geodetic survey, analysis of the geometry of the geodetic network, Small Hydropower Plant Melje, survey of the geodetic network, data adjustment of geodetic network

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