
Digitalizacija projektiranja s parametričnim generiranjem računskih modelov
ID Arh, Katja (Author), ID Cerovšek, Tomo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Česnik, Jure (Comentor), ID Lopatič, Jože (Comentor)

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Magistrska naloga se osredotoča na raziskovanje potencialov in izzivov parametričnega pristopa pri pripravi računskih modelov. Namen naloge je potrditi učinkovitost parametričnega pristopa pri pripravi računskih modelov za kompleksne inženirske konstrukcije, pri čemer so glavne prednosti prilagodljivost, natančnost in ponovljivost procesov, ter možnost optimizacije in zmanjšanja ročnega dela. S pomočjo programske opreme za geometrijsko modeliranje, kot sta Rhinoceros in Grasshopper, ter analitičnega orodja SOFiSTiK, smo preučili in analizirali različne metode za učinkovito generiranje in optimizacijo računskih modelov. Pri tem smo uporabili parametrični pristop, ki geometrijski model pretvorili najprej v analitičnega in nato numeričnega, ki omogoča nadaljnjo analizo vplivov na konstrukcijo. Fokus optimizacije je v tem primeru na izboljšanju procesa zasnove konstrukcij in zmanjšanju potrebe po ročnih prilagoditvah. Predstavljeni so trije praktični primeri, ki prikazujejo aplikacijo parametričnega pristopa pri modeliranju in dimenzioniranju križanja notranje obloge predorske glavne cevi in prečnika, portalne konstrukcije predora ter sidranja dobetoniranega dela opornika v obstoječ mostni opornik. Rezultati naloge potrjujejo, da parametrični pristop bistveno poveča prilagodljivost, natančnost in učinkovitost pri pripravi in analizi konstrukcijskih modelov. Hipoteze, ki so bile postavljene na začetku naloge, so bile potrjene; parametrično modeliranje omogoča enostavno prilagajanje geometrije, optimizacijo zasnove in zmanjšanje ročnega dela. Naloga izpostavlja tudi pomen strukturiranih zapisov, ki zagotavljajo sledljivost in nadzor nad celotnim delovnim procesom, kar je ključno za uspešno izvedbo kompleksnih gradbenih projektov. Na koncu naloga odpira možnosti za nadaljnje raziskave na področju generativnega projektiranja, ki obeta še večjo avtomatizacijo in optimizacijo v inženirstvu. Ugotovitve v nalogi bodo koristile inženirjem in raziskovalcem pri nadaljnjem razvoju digitaliziranih metod načrtovanja in analiz v gradbeništvu, še posebej pri obvladovanju kompleksnih projektov.

Keywords:digitalizacija, projektiranje, parametrizacija, generiranje, računski model, Sofistik, Rhinoceros, Grasshopper
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2024
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Title:Digitalization of Design through Parametric Generation of Finite Element Models
The Master's thesis focuses on exploring the potentials and challenges of the parametric approach in the preparation of finite element models. The aim of the thesis is to confirm the effectiveness of the parametric approach in the preparation of FE models for complex civil engineering structures, with a focus on the adaptability, precision, and repeatability of processes, as well as the potential for optimization and reduction of manual work. Using geometric modeling software such as Rhinoceros and Grasshopper, along with the analytical tool SOFiSTiK, various methods for efficiently generating and optimizing FE models were examined and analyzed. The parametric approach was applied by transforming a geometric model into an analytical model, and then into a numerical model, which enables accurate structural analysis. Optimization, in this context, is focused on improving the design process of structures and reducing the need for manual adjustments. Three practical examples are presented, illustrating the application of the parametric modeling in main tunnel tube and cross-passage inner lining intersection, tunnel portal structures, and anchoring of cast-in-place abutments into into an existing bridge abutment. The results of the thesis confirm that the parametric approach significantly enhances the adaptability, precision, and efficiency in the preparation and analysis of structural models. The hypotheses established at the beginning of the thesis were confirmed; parametric modeling facilitates easy adjustment of geometry, design optimization, and reduction of manual labor. The thesis also highlights the importance of structured records that ensure traceability and control over the entire work process, which is crucial for the successful execution of complex construction projects. Finally, the thesis opens up possibilities for further research in the field of generative design, which promises even greater automation and optimization in engineering. The findings of the thesis will be valuable to engineers and researchers in the continued development of digitalized design and analysis methods in civil engineering, especially in managing complex projects.

Keywords:digitalization, design, parametrization, generation, finite element model, Sofistik, Rhinoceros, Grasshopper

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