
Miti o spolnosti med odraslimi, starimi med dvajset in petintrideset let
ID Bunderla, Maša (Author), ID Sobočan, Ana Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Simetinger, Gabrijela (Comentor)

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Miti o spolnosti so neustrezna, neznanstvena in pretirana prepričanja o spolnosti, ki jih posamezniki pogosto sprejemajo kot resnična in ki lahko vplivajo na doživljanje spolnosti ter spolno vedenje. Celostna spolna vzgoja, ki pokriva vse vidike človeške spolnosti, je najučinkovitejši način za omejevanje in preprečevanje verovanja v te mite. V tej raziskavi sem analizirala vpliv spolnih mitov na doživljanje spolnosti med odraslimi v starostni skupini od dvajset do petintrideset let ter raziskovala njihove izkušnje s spolno vzgojo. Vzorec je zajemal 17 oseb (pet moških in 12 žensk) s katerimi so bili izvedeni poglobljeni intervjuji. Rezultati kažejo, da večina udeležencev ni prejela zadostne spolne vzgoje od staršev ali skrbnikov in da je bila tako formalna kot tudi neformalna vzgoja, ki so je bili deležni, nepopolna in ni pokrivala vseh vidikov, o katerih bi si takrat želeli več informacij. Poleg tega rezultati kažejo, da med odraslimi še vedno obstajajo določeni miti o spolnosti, ki lahko negativno vplivajo na njihovo doživljanje spolnosti. Raziskava predlaga vsebinske izboljšave za spolno vzgojo in identificira smernice za nadaljnjo raziskovanje.

Keywords:spolnost, miti o spolnosti, spolna vzgoja, prvi spolni odnos, samozadovoljevanje, pornografija, spolna želja, socialno delo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162699 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Sexual Myths Among Adults Aged Between Twenty and Thirty-Five Years
Sexual myths are inaccurate, unscientific, and exaggerated beliefs about sexuality that individuals often accept as true and that can affect their sexual experiences and behavior. Comprehensive sex education, which encompasses all aspects of human sexuality, is the most effective way to limit and prevent the belief in these myths. This study analyzed the impact of sexual myths on the sexual experiences of adults aged between twenty and thirty-five years and examined their experiences with sex education. The sample consisted of 17 individuals (five men and twelve women), who participated in in-depth interviews. The results indicate that most participants did not receive adequate sex education from parents or guardians, and that both formal and informal education they received was incomplete and did not cover all the aspects they wished to learn about. Additionally, the findings reveal that certain sexual myths persist among adults, which can negatively influence their sexual experiences. The study proposes content improvements for sex education and identifies directions for further research.

Keywords:sexuality, sexual myths, sex education, first sexual intercourse, masturbation, pornography, sexual desire, social work

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