
Shrani kot / A vedno imam isti izgovor
ID Perovšek, Neža (Author), ID Kariž, Žiga (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Stanič, Tomo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi bom obravnavala pojem kopičenja. V prvem delu bom obrazložila motnjo kopičenja kot psihološko motnjo, ki jo definirajo prekomerno zbiranje, težava z zavrženjem imetja ter nered. Naredila bom pregled nad motnjo: kaj jo loči od običajnega shranjevanja, kako se izraža ter kako je motnja prikazana v popularni kulturi na primeru televizijske oddaje Hoarders. Vključila bom osebne izpovedi ljudi z motnjo kopičenja ter opise njihovih domov. Pogledala bom, kako se kopičenje pojavlja v digitalni sferi ter načela analizo avtorske prakse v primerjavi s projektom Waste not kitajskega umetnika Song Donga. Drug del naloge bom namenila temu, kako se lasten odnos do kopičenja izraža v osebni slikarski praksi zadnjih treh let. Predstavila bom predvsem miselni postopek procesa nastajanja slik in drugih projektov in s tem poskušala definirati in skupaj povezati sicer intuitiven ustvarjalni proces.

Keywords:slikarstvo, arhiv, kopičenje, kompulzija, informacije, motnja, Magistrska naloga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162696 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2024
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Title:Save as / But I keep making the same excuse
In my master’s thesis I will discuss the term hoarding. In the first part I will explore hoarding disorder, a psychological disorder which is defined by excessive accumulation, difficulty with discarding objects, and clutter. I will make an overview of the disorder, what distinguishes it from regular collecting, how it manifests and how it is depicted in popular culture in a case study of the television series Hoarders. I will include personal statements of people with hoarding disorder, as well as descriptions of their homes. I will look into how hoarding manifests in the digital sphere and begin to analyze my work with a brief comparison to the project Waste not by Chinese artist Song Dong. I will focus on my own relationship towards hoarding, and how it materializes in my practice over the last three years. I will primarily discuss the thought process of creation in the context of my paintings and other projects, and with that try to define and connect the otherwise intuitive creative process.

Keywords:painting, archive, hoarding, compulsion, information, disorder, MA thesis

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