
Jugoslavija, embalaža nekoč in danes
ID Kranjec, Jan (Author), ID Fras, Domen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kenda, Boštjan Botas (Comentor)

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Embalaža izdelka, v našem primeru živilskega, danes opravlja pomembno vlogo. V množici produktov, ki bolj ali manj služijo enakemu pomenu, se proizvajalci borijo, da potrošnik seže po njihovem. V sredini prejšnjega stoletja, ko je bil trg bolj omejen, potrebe po boju, kot je danes, ni bilo. S tem razlogom skozi diplomsko delo raziskujem različne dejavnike, ki so vplivali na oblikovanje embalaže nekoč, in dejavnike, ki nanjo vplivajo danes. Ti dejavniki so tehnologija in njen razvoj, materiali, politika, odnos do oblikovalca itd. V teoretičnem delu se osredotočim na tri proizvajalce iz nekdanje Jugoslavije in pod lupo vzamem en izdelek, ki ga proizvajajo še danes. V praktičnem delu se ukvarjam s preoblikovanjem dveh ikoničnih embalaž, ki sem ju obravnaval tudi v teoretičnem delu. Na podlagi raziskanega predstavim dve novi rešitvi, kjer skušam izboljšati uporabniško izkušnjo, ohranjati vizualni jezik glede na zgodovino izdelka in trajnostni pristop.

Keywords:vizualne komunikacije grafično oblikovanje modernizem Jugoslavija embalaža proizvajalci embalaž Alpsko mleko Jaffa cakes Crvenka kava Barcaffè diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162686 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2024
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Title:Yugoslavia, packaging design then and now
The packaging of a product, in our case food packaging, plays an important role in the present day. In a mountain of products that more or less serve the same purpose, producers compete to get consumers to reach for theirs. In the middle of the last century, when the market was limited, there was no need for the battle that exists today. For this reason, throughout the thesis I explore the different factors that influenced packaging design in the past and the factors that influence it today. These factors are technology and its development, materials, politics, attitudes towards the designer, etc. In the theoretical part, I focus on three manufacturers from the former Yugoslavia, and put under the magnifying glass one iconic product that they still produce today. In the practical part, I am working on the redesign of two iconic packages, which I also discussed in the theoretical part of the thesis. Based on what I have researched, I present two new solutions where I try to improve the user experience, to maintain the visual language in relation to the history of the product and to take a sustainable approach.

Keywords:visual communications graphic design modernism Yugoslavia packaging design packaging manufacturers Alpsko milk Jaffa cakes Crvenka coffee Barcaffè BA thesis

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