
Usklajevanje dela in družine s predšolskimi otroki v času pandemije covida-19: primer Vrtca Hansa Christiana Andersena
ID Mzoughi, Nina (Author), ID Rakar, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Usklajevanje dela in družine predstavlja izziv, s katerim se sooča marsikateri starš, zlasti če ima doma predšolske otroke. Pandemija covida-19 je z globalnim zaprtjem vzgojno-varstvenih institucij že takoj v prvem valu ta izziv le še poglobila, saj so starši glede skrbstva za otroke tako rekoč čez noč ostali prepuščeni sami sebi. V diplomskem delu sem se najprej lotila teoretičnega dela, kjer so prve raziskave pokazale, da je večina skrbstvenega bremena med pandemijo padla na ženske z majhnimi otroki, saj so morale zaradi višje sile ostati doma ali prevzeti delo na daljavo, da so lahko skrbele za otroke, hkrati pa so se srečevale še s povečanim obsegom gospodinjskih opravil, zaradi česar je bilo usklajevanje dela in družine v tem času še toliko bolj stresno in naporno. V empiričnem delu sem se lotila kvantitativne raziskave med starši otrok, ki so v času pandemije obiskovali Vrtec Hansa Christiana Andersena, in ugotovila, da so bile med zaprtjem vrtca predvsem ženske tiste, ki so prevzele delo na daljavo, da so lahko doma skrbele za otroke. Moški so sicer priskočili na pomoč pri gospodinjskih opravilih, a so ženske za delo doma še vedno poskrbele pretežno same. Raziskava je še pokazala, da so družine poklicno in družinsko življenje težje usklajevale v prvem valu kot v naslednjih, da so se partnerji relativno dobro podpirali in da stresno obdobje ni vplivalo na odnose v družini. Večina je bila zadovoljna s prilagoditvami dela in podporo delodajalca, so pa poročali, da ukrepi države med pandemijo niso olajšali usklajevanja dela in družine.

Keywords:predšolski otrok, delo, družina, usklajevanje dela in družine, epidemija, pandemija, covid-19, delodajalec, država, ukrepi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162680 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Reconciling work and family life with preschool children during the COVID-19 pandemic: the case of Hans Christian Andersen Kindergarten
Many parents face the challenge of balancing work and family life, especially with preschool children at home. The COVID-19 pandemic, with the global closure of childcare institutions right from the first wave, has only deepened this challenge, leaving parents to fend for themselves concerning childcare virtually overnight. In my thesis, I first started with the theoretical part, where initial research showed that most of the care burden during the pandemic fell on women with young children, who had to stay at home or work remotely to take care of their children, and who also had to cope with an increased amount of household chores, which made balancing work and family life even more stressful and tiring at the time. In the empirical part, I conducted a quantitative survey among parents of children attending the Hans Christian Andersen Kindergarten during the pandemic. I found that it was mainly women who took up remote work to take care of their children at home during the closure of the kindergarten. While men helped with household chores, the women were still largely on their own at home. The study also showed that families found it more difficult to balance work and family life in the first wave than in the subsequent waves, that partners supported each other relatively well, and that the stressful period did not affect family relationships. Most were satisfied with work adjustments and employer support but reported that government measures during the pandemic did not facilitate work-family balance.

Keywords:preschool child, work, family, work-family balance, epidemic, pandemic, COVID- 19, employer, state, measures

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