
Oblikovanje kakovostnega vprašalnika o odnosu med uporabniki in lastniki gozdov
ID Diaci, Lovrenc (Author), ID Kogovšek, Tina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi odgovarjam na dve zastavljeni raziskovalni vprašanji, in sicer kako razviti vprašalnik, ki bi omogočil vpogled v družbene elemente, ki so del konflikta med uporabniki in lastniki gozdov, ter ali je takšen vprašalnik kakovosten. Vprašalnik sem izdelal s pomočjo pregleda literature o izdelavi kakovostnih vprašalnikov, ki je predstavljena v pričujočem diplomskem delu. Vprašalnik je bil zasnovan po smernicah anketne metodologije. Drugo raziskovalno vprašanje se nanaša na preverjanje kakovosti tega vprašalnika. Kakovost vprašalnika v diplomski nalogi preverim z uporabo treh metod, in sicer ekspertnih evalvacij, kognitivnih intervjujev in fokusnih skupin. Največje pomanjkljivosti, ki so anketirancem povzročale težave, so bile povezane z nerazumljivostjo pojmov in dvoumnostjo vprašanj. Te pomanjkljivosti so bile odpravljene s prestrukturiranjem vprašanj, definiranjem nejasnih pojmov in prilagoditvijo lestvic odgovorov. V zadnjem delu diplomske naloge rezultate posameznih metod interpretiram, na koncu pa jih med seboj tudi primerjam. Ugotovil sem, da so uporabljene metode preverjanja kakovosti privedle k večji kakovosti vprašalnika. Vprašalnik je tako pripravljen za naslednjo fazo raziskave.

Keywords:kakovosten vprašalnik, ekspertne evalvacije, kognitivni intervju, fokusne skupine
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162677 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Designing a qualitative questionnaire on the relationship between forest users and its owners
In my thesis, I address two research questions: How to develop a questionnaire that would provide insight into the social elements involved in the conflict between forest users and forest owners, and whether such a questionnaire is of high quality. I created the questionnaire by reviewing literature on the development of quality questionnaires, which is presented later in the thesis. The questionnaire was designed following survey methodology guidelines. The second research question relates to assessing the quality of this questionnaire. In the thesis, I assess the quality of the questionnaire using three methods: expert evaluations, cognitive interviews, and focus groups. The main shortcomings that caused difficulties for the respondents were related to the incomprehensibility of terms and the ambiguity of questions. These issues were addressed by restructuring the questions, defining unclear terms, and adjusting the response scales. In the final part of the thesis, I interpret the results of each method and compare them at the end. I found that the methods used to assess quality contributed to improving the questionnaire. The questionnaire is thus ready for the next phase of the research.

Keywords:quality questionnaire, expert evaluations, cognitive interview, focus groups.

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