
Motivi in razlogi oseb z boleznimi ščitnice za izmenjavo socialne opore v različnih oblikah spletnih zdravstvenih skupnosti
ID Zupančič, Matej (Author), ID Atanasova, Sara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Posamezniki, ki se soočajo z boleznimi ščitnice, se po želji lajšanja posledic le-teh pogosto zatekajo v spletne zdravstvene skupnosti (v nadaljevanju SZS). Skupni imenovalec SZS je izmenjava socialne opore, preko katere člani SZS pridobijo vire za izboljšanje zdravja. Namen diplomskega dela je s pomočjo integrativnega pregleda literature na področju bolezni ščitnice proučiti, kakšne so razlike pri izmenjavi socialne opore v različnih oblikah SZS ter kakšni so motivi in razlogi za obiskovanje in uporabo le-teh. Namen naloge je tudi preveriti, v kolikšni meri je izmenjava opore eden glavnih razlogov za obiskovanje SZS. S pomočjo iskanja literature v bibliografskih bazah podatkov na podlagi vključitvenih in izključitvenih kriterijev sem v končno analizo vključil pet znanstvenih člankov, ki so obravnavali raziskovane teme. Ugotovil sem, da je razlike v izmenjavi oblik socialne opore v različnih oblikah SZS težje pojasniti, saj je literature v povezavi s tem malo. Glavna motiva in razloga za uporabo SZS sta potreba po pridobivanju informacij, povezanih z zdravjem, in emocionalne opore s strani vrstnikov. Predvsem slednje je pomembno, saj s tem uporabniki SZS pridobivajo vire opolnomočenja in se posledično lažje soočajo z boleznijo in njenimi posledicami. V nalogi sem z integrativnim pregledom literature in analizo znanstvenih člankov ugotovil, da je izmenjava socialne opore eden izmed glavnih razlogov za obiskovanje SZS.

Keywords:spletne zdravstvene skupnosti, socialna opora, bolezni ščitnice
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162673 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Motives and reasons of people with thyroid disease for exchanging social support in various forms of online health communities
Individuals who are dealing with thyroid diseases, often turn to online health communities (hereafter OHCs) in order to alleviate their consequences. The common denominator of OHCs is the exchange of social support, through which members of OHC obtain resources to improve health. The purpose of this diploma thesis is to examine, with the help of an integrative literature review in the field of thyroid disease, what are the differences in the exchange of social support in various forms of OHCs and what are the motives and reasons for visiting and using them. The purpose of the task is also to check to what extent the exchange of support is one of the main reasons for visiting the OHCs. With the help of a literature search in bibliographic databases based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, I included five scientific articles that dealt with the researched topics in the final analysis. I found that the differences in the exchange of forms of social support in different forms of OHCs are more difficult to explain, since there is little literature related to this topic. The main motives and reasons for using OHCs are the need to obtain health-related information and emotional support from peers. Above all, the latter is important, because with this, OHCs users acquire sources of empowerment and, as a result, cope more easily with the disease and its consequences. In the assignment, through an integrative literature review and analysis of scientific articles, I found that the exchange of social support is one of the main reasons for visiting OHCs.

Keywords:online health communities, social support, thyroid disease

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