
Odnos do egalitarne distribucije dohodka: medčasovna primerjalna analiza na podatkih mednarodnih družboslovnih raziskav
ID Trobec, Grega (Author), ID Hafner Fink, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cilj diplomskega dela je preveriti vpliv izbranih spremenljivk na odnos do egalitarne distribucije dohodka. Analiza je potekala na vzorcih, zbranih v treh časovnih točkah in med različnimi državami, torej je cilj preiskovanja tudi, ali se vpliv na odnos do egalitarne distribucije dohodka spreminja skozi čas in državo. Samo diplomsko delo je torej analiza sekundarnih podatkov, stališče do egalitarne distribucije dohodka pa bo meril kazalec – »ali so razlike v dohodkih prevelike«. Primerjava je potekala med Slovenijo ter dvema starima demokratičnima državama, Veliko Britanijo in Švedsko. Te države sem izbral zaradi različnosti, saj domnevam, da je naklonjenost do egalitarnih vrednot tudi odvisna od socioloških, zgodovinskih in političnih dejavnikov znotraj države. Švedska velja za državo, ki daje močan poudarek socialni varnosti in blaginji, Velika Britanija velja za predstavnico neoliberalne ideologije, Slovenija pa je predstavnica post-socializma. Za preiskovanje stališč do egalitarne distribucije dohodka sem uporabil podatke zbrane s strani ISSP in sicer ankete zbrane v sklopu socialne neenakosti. Stališča, izmerjena s pomočjo podatkov iz ISSP, sem preverjal v treh časovnih točkah in sicer v letih 1999, 2009 in 2019, s čimer sem ugotavljal morebiten vpliv ekonomske situacije na stališča do egalitarnost distribucije dohodka.

Keywords:Egalitarnost, razlike v dohodkih, redistribucija dohodka, socialne politike
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162668 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Attitudes Towards Egalitarian Income Distribution: A Longitudinal Comparative Analysis Using Data from International Social Surveys
The aim of this thesis is to examine the impact of selected variables on attitudes towards egalitarian income distribution. The analysis was conducted on samples collected at three different points in time and across different countries, with the goal of investigating whether the influence on attitudes changes over time and across countries. The thesis is thus an analysis of secondary data, with the attitude towards egalitarian income distribution being measured by the indicator "whether income differences are too large." The comparison was made between Slovenia and two established democratic countries, the United Kingdom and Sweden. These countries were chosen due to their differences, as I predict that the inclination towards egalitarian values is also dependent on sociological, historical, and political factors within the country. Sweden is considered a country that places strong emphasis on social security and welfare, the United Kingdom represents neoliberal ideology, and Slovenia represents post-socialism. To study attitudes towards egalitarian income distribution, I used data collected by the ISSP, specifically surveys conducted within the framework of social inequality. The attitudes, measured using ISSP data, were examined at three points in time: 1999, 2009, and 2019, to assess the potential impact of the economic situation on attitudes towards egalitarian income distribution.

Keywords:Egalitarianism, income inequality, income redistribution, social policies

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