
Druga italijansko-abesinska vojna in njene posledice v mednarodnih odnosih : diplomsko delo
ID Gnezda Vrhunc, Ivo (Author), ID Ajlec, Kornelija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Druga italijansko-abesinska vojna je bila obsežen vojaški konflikt med kraljevino Italijo in Etiopskim cesarstvom med letoma 1935 in 1936. Italija je pod vodstvom fašističnega režima zasledovala revanšistično in imperialistično politiko proti Etiopiji v znatni meri kot povračilo za svoj poraz v prvi italijansko-abesinski vojni, kar je naposled privedlo do vojnega stanja. V sklopu te vojne je prišlo do različnih incidentov in vojnih zločinov. Spremljalo jo je burno mednarodno dogajanje, kakor je tudi imela daljnosežne posledice in jo tako štejemo med enega izmed dejavnikov, ki so pripeljali do druge svetovne vojne. To se zlasti kaže v dogodkih in procesih v mednarodnih odnosih, ki so ta konflikt spremljali, določali ter zaradi njega tudi nastali. Leta 1936 je Italija enostransko razglasila zmago, a je prav njen vstop v drugo svetovno vojno nekaj let kasneje povzročil propad njene oblasti v regiji, kot je tudi šele konec druge svetovne vojne prinesel uradno pomiritev odnosov med državama.

Keywords:druga italijansko-abesinska vojna, Etiopija, Abesinija, mednarodni odnosi, Društvo narodov
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:I. Gnezda Vrhunc
Number of pages:62 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162666 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:210011651 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Second italo-abyssinian war and its consequences in international relations
The second italo-abyssinian war was a large military conflict between Kingdom of Italy and Empire of Ethiopia, between 1935 and 1936. Under the fascist government, Italy pursued a revanchistic and imperialistic policy against Ethiopia, as payback for its defeat in the first italo-abyssinian war, which ultimately led to the outbreak of war. In regards to this war, various incidents and war crimes came to be. It was accompanied by intense international events, just as it also had long reaching consequences and we therefore count it as one of the factors, which set the stage for the second world war. This is shown especially in the events and processes in international relations which accompanied, determined and arose because of it. In the year 1936 Italy unilaterally declared victory, but it was exactly her entry into the second world war a few years later that brought about the downfall of its rule in the region, just as only the end of the second world war brought the official conciliation between the states.

Keywords:second italo-abyssinian war, Ethiopia, Abyssinia, international relations, League of nations

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