
Ellulova kritična teorija tehnike in umetna inteligenca
ID Janežič, Tjaša (Author), ID Krašovec, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu se osredotočam na nekatere negativne posledice eksponentnega razvoja umetne inteligence (UI) in ChatGPT, pri čemer izhajam iz problematike, ki nam jo predstavi Jacques Ellul v svojem delu Tehnološka družba. Avtor oblikuje celovito filozofijo tehnične civilizacije, ki jo predstavi kot tragedijo naše dobe. V svojem delu poudarja vlogo tehnike v sodobni družbi in razvija sistem mišljenja, ki nam pomaga razumeti razvoj tehnične civilizacije, ki smo jo ustvarili sami. Ellulova analiza nas spodbuja k razumevanju tehnike v širšem smislu in opozarja na njene daljnosežne vplive na družbo. Čeprav ima razvoj UI tako pozitivne kot negativne posledice, se bom v nalogi osredotočila predvsem na slednje. Pokušala bom prikazati, kako lahko avtorjeva filozofija tehnike osvetli in razjasni zapleteno razmerje med človekom in UI – zlasti jezikovni model ChatGPT – ter kakšne posledice ima to za našo prihodnost. Skozi pogled ChatGPT oziroma preko njegovih ustvarjalcev izvemo, da bo imel razvoj generativne UI velik vpliv na človeštvo. Skozi pisanje diplome sem namreč ugotovila, da tehnika ni več zgolj orodje v rokah človeka, temveč je postala avtonomna, samostojna realnost, katere vplivi so vseprisotni. UI bo vplivala na vrsto področij, od avtomatizacije in produktivnosti ter kreativnosti do izobraževanja, zasebnosti in nadzora. Obseg vpliva razvoja UI je izjemno širok in pri nas lahko vzbuja strah, saj hitro spoznamo, da UI prežema prav vsa področja našega vsakdanjega življenja. Tehnika stremi tudi k največji učinkovitosti in produktivnosti, vse bolj se generira sama in deluje po lastnih moralnih pravilih, ki se razlikujejo od človeških. To pomeni, da pogosto ne upošteva človeških vrednot in čustev. Vse to vodi v družbeno preobrazbo ljudi, spreminja okolje, v katerem živimo, negativno vpliva na strukturo naših domov, medsebojne interakcije ter medčloveške odnose.

Keywords:umetna inteligenca, ChatGPT, tehnika, človek, negativne posledice
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Domžale
Publisher:[T. Janežič]
Number of pages:42 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162659 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2024
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Title:Ellul's Critical Theory of Technology and Artificial Intelligence
In my thesis, I focus on some of the negative consequences of the exponential development of artificial intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT, drawing from the issues presented by Jacques Ellul in his work The Technological Society. The author develops a comprehensive philosophy of technical civilization, which he presents as the tragedy of our time. In his work, Ellul emphasizes the role of technology in modern society and develops a system of thought that helps us understand the development of the technical civilization we have created ourselves. Ellul's analysis encourages us to understand technology in a broader sense and warns of its far-reaching impacts on society. Although the development of AI has both positive and negative consequences, in this thesis, I will primarily focus on the latter. I will attempt to show how the author's philosophy of technology can illuminate and clarify the complex relationship between humans and AI—particularly the language model ChatGPT—and what implications this has for our future. Through the perspective of ChatGPT and its creators, we learn that the development of generative AI will have a significant impact on humanity. While writing this thesis, I have come to realize that technology is no longer merely a tool in human hands but has become an autonomous, independent reality whose impacts are pervasive. AI will affect a wide range of areas, from automation, productivity, and creativity to education, privacy, and surveillance. The scope of AI's influence is incredibly broad and can evoke fear, as we quickly realize that AI permeates every aspect of our daily lives. Technology also strives for maximum efficiency and productivity, increasingly generating itself and operating according to its own moral rules, which differ from human ones. This often means it does not consider human values and emotions. All of this leads to a societal transformation of people, changes the environment in which we live, and negatively impacts the structure of our homes, interpersonal interactions, and human relationships.

Keywords:Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT, technology, human, negative consequences

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