
Organizacija in delovanje AFŽ Slovenije kot primer odnosa KPJ do reševanja »ženskega vprašanja«
ID Abramič, Karin (Author), ID Antić Gaber, Milica (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bartulović, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo se osredotoča na odnos Komunistične partije Jugoslavije do ženske enakopravnosti oz. reševanja t. i. ženskega vprašanja na primeru delovanja Slovenske protifašistične ženske zveze oz. po vojni preimenovane v AFŽ Slovenije, ki je obstajala med letoma 1943 in 1953. Preko arhivskega gradiva, časopisnih člankov in o tej tematiki napisane literature poskuša ugotoviti, kakšen odnos so v komunistični partiji in njej sorodnih organizacijah zavzemali do enakopravnosti žensk ter delovanja AFŽ Slovenije. Poleg tega poskuša ugotoviti, kolikšno avtonomijo je AFŽ Slovenije imela v različnih obdobjih njenega obstoja in kakšen je njen prispevek k izboljšanju položaja žensk v družbi. Po eni strani se na tematiko osredotoča s formalnega, organizacijskega vidika in odnos komunistične partije do AFŽ preučuje preko treh ključnih točk – nastanka, reorganizacije in razpustitve, po drugi strani pa se osredotoča tudi na percepcijo vlog in položajev žensk v družbi v takratnem času. Poleg tega poudarja tudi dosežke in pomen AFŽ za ženske. Čas osvobodilnega boja je bil namreč prelomen za ženske, vanj so se sistematično vključevale tako na bojiščih kot tudi v zaledju. Tako so posegle v zgodovino, njihova akcija pa je močno zaznamovala njihov poznejši položaj v družbi.

Keywords:Slovenska protifašistična ženska zveza, Antifašistična fronta žensk Slovenije, Komunistična partija Jugoslavije, »žensko vprašanje«, osvobodilni boj, socializem
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162644 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Organisation and activity of Women's Antifascist Front of Slovenia as an example of relation of Communist Party of Yugoslavia towards »women question«
Undergraduate thesis focuses on the attitude of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia towards women's equality, or solving the so-colled women question, using the exemple of activities of Slovenian Anti-Fascist Women's Union, renamed after the war to Women's Antifascist Front of Slovenia, which existed between 1943 and 1953. Through archival material, newspaper articles and literature written on the subject, it attempts to establish the attitude of the Communist Party and its allied organisations towards women's equality and the work of the Women's Antifascist Front of Slovenia. It also seeks to establish the degree of autonomy that the Women's Antifascist Front of Slovenia has enjoyed in the different periods of its existence and its contribution to the improvement of the position of women in society. On the one hand, it focuses on the subject from a formal, organisational perspective, examining the Communist Party's attitude towards the AFZ through three key points - its formation, reorganisation and dissolution, and on the other hand, it also focuses on the perception of women's roles and positions in society at the time. It also highlights the achievements and importance of the AFZ for women. The liberation struggle was a watershed time for women, who were systematically involved in it both on the battlefields and on the home front. They thus made history and their actions have had a profound impact on their subsequent position in society.

Keywords:Slovenian Anti-Fascist Women's Union, Anti-Fascist Women's Front of Slovenia, Communist Party of Yugoslavia, "women's question", liberation struggle, socialism

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