
Vpliv različnih predpostavk strižnega obnašanja lahkih lesenih okvirnih panelov na izračunano potresno odpornost izbranih stanovanjskih lesenih stavb : magistrsko delo
ID Balant, Lucija (Author), ID Antolinc, David (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kržan, Meta (Comentor)

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Lesena montažna gradnja kot sodoben na in uporabe lesa v gradbeništvu združuje trajnostne prakse z estetsko privlačnimi in funkcionalnimi rešitvami gradnje, ki ustrezajo potrebam sodobnega časa. Med najbolj pogostimi načini lesene gradnje v Evropi je panelna gradnja z lahkimi lesenimi okvirnimi paneli (LFTP), sestavljenimi iz lesenega okvira, zapolnjenega z izolacijskim materialom in obloženega z obložnimi ploščami. Lesena montažna gradnja je priljubljena tudi na potresno ogroženih območjih, zato je ključnega pomena, da so te zgradbe zasnovane tako, da zagotavljajo zadostno potresno odpornost. V praksi se za določanje potresne odpornosti uporablja elastična analiza s projektnimi spektri, kjer je pri lesenih konstrukcijah za določitev faktorja obnašanja potrebno predpostaviti nelinearno strižno obnašanje konstrukcijskih sistemov, ki je v primeru LFTP plošč odvisno tudi od vrste in obnašanja spojev. Na Zavodu za gradbeništvo Slovenije so bili izvedeni preizkusi strižnega obnašanja lahkih okvirnih lesenih panelov s cementno-ivernimi obložnimi ploščami dveh debelin, in sicer B16-16, kjer je debelina obložnih plošč 16 mm, B12-12 z debelino obložnih plošč 12 mm ter B12-16 kjer je na eni strani obložna plošča debeline 12mm, na drugi pa 16mm. Izvedeni pa so bili tudi eksperimentalni preizkusi strižnega obnašanja stika obložne plošče z lesom s sponkami. Rezultati eksperimenta so bili osnova za pripravo različnih modelov za določitev predpostavk nelinearnega strižnega obnašanja panelov, ki so bili v sklopu naloge tudi uporabljeni za izvedbo nelinearne stati ne (potisne) analize objektov. Poleg eksperimentalnih rezultatov panelov, so za predpostavke obnašanja uporabljeni tudi analitičnimi izračuni strižnega obnašanja panelov po standardu EC5, pri čemer sta bili uporabljeni metodi A in B. Izračun potresne odpornosti je izveden na dveh lesenih montažnih stanovanjskih stavbah z različnima geometrijskima zasnovama. Primerjano je potresno obnašanje obeh obravnavanih stavb ter vpliv različnih predpostavk obnašanja panelov na potresno odpornost. Slabša geometrijska zasnova objekta vodi v zmanjšano potresno odpornost, kar se odraža v manjšem faktorju obnašanja konstrukcije. Ugotovljeno je tudi, da potresna odpornost, ki za določitev strižne nosilnosti panelov upošteva bočno nosilnost sponk na podlagi eksperimentalnih podatkov, ki presega tisto, izračunano po EC5, rezultira v računsko večji potresni odpornosti stavb kot v primeru predpostavk obnašanja panelov po eksperimentalnih preiskavah celotnih panelov. Slednje poudarja potrebo po natančnejših smernicah za ocenjevanje potresne odpornosti lesenih stavb z lahkimi lesenimi okvirnimi paneli. Ugotovili pa smo tudi, da oba objekta v primeru gradnje na dobrih temeljnih tleh izpolnjujeta predpisano potresno odpornost.

Keywords:magistrska dela, gradbeništvo, leseni montažni objekti, leseni montažni stenski paneli, lahki leseni okvirni paneli, nelinearna statična analiza, cementno-iverne obložne plošče, potresna odpornost, faktor obnašanja, projektni pospeški, SREMB
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Balant]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datotek PDF (XIV, 57 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162626-0b026122-cd0e-4519-db1a-0b769f34b54f This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:209223939 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of different assumptions regarding the shear behavior of light-frame timber panels on the calculated seismic resistance of selected residential timber buildings
Prefabricated timber buildings, as a modern method of using wood in construction, combines sustainable practices with aesthetically appealing and functional building solutions that meet the needs of contemporary building design. Among the most common methods of timber construction in Europe is panel construction with light frame timber panels (LFTP), consisting of a wooden frame filled with insulating material and clad with sheathing boards. Prefabricated timber construction is also popular in earthquake-prone areas; therefore, it is of great importance to provide an adequate seismic resistant design of these buildings. In practice, elastic analysis with design spectra is used to determine seismic resistance, whereas for timber structuresthe assumption of nonlinear shear behavior of structural systems must be considered. In the case of LFTP panels, shear behavior also depends on the type and performance of the joints. At the Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute, tests were conducted on the shear behavior of light frame timber panels with cement-particle boards of three different thicknesses: B16- 16, where the thickness of the sheathing boards is 16 mm; B12-12, with a sheathing thickness of 12 mm; and B12-16, where one side has a 12 mm thick and the other a 16 mm thick board. Experimental tests were also conducted on the shear behavior of the connection between the sheathing board and wood with staples. The results of these experiments formed the basis for the development of various models to establish assumptions for the nonlinear shear behavior of panels, which were also used in the task to perform nonlinear static (pushover) analysis of the structures. In addition to the experimental results of the panels, analytical calculations of the panels shear behavior according to the EC5 standard were also used for behavior assumptions, employing both Method A and Method B. The calculation of seismic resistance was performed on two timber prefabricated residential buildings with different geometric designs. The seismic behavior of both buildings was compared, as well as the impact of different assumptions about the panels behavior on seismic resistance.The unfavourable geometric design of the building leads to reduced seismic resistance, which is reflected in a lower behavior factor of the structure. It was found that considering the lateral load- bearing capacity of the staples for determining the shear capacity of panels results in a higher seismic resistance than the values calculated by EC5. This approach leads to a computationally greater seismic resistance of buildings compared to assumptions based on experimental tests of entire panels. This highlights the need for more precise guidelines for assessing the seismic resistance of timber buildings with light-frame timber panels. It was also found that both buildings, if constructed on good foundation soils, meet the prescribed seismic resistance.

Keywords:master thesis, civil engineering, prefabricated timber buildings, wood-frame shear wall, light-frame timber panels, nonlinear static analysis, cement-particle boards, seismic resistance, behavior factor, design accelerations, SREMB

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