
Učinkovitost različnih sistemov strižnega utrjevanja zidov s FRP : pregled in primerjava izbranih eksperimentalnih preiskav zidov ter računskih rezultatov po različnih standardih : magistrsko delo
ID Kulović, Ilma (Author), ID Bosiljkov, Vlatko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kržan, Meta (Comentor)

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V sklopu magistrske naloge so predstavljene eksperimentalne raziskave učinkovitosti strižnega utrjevanja s FRP sistemi in analitični modeli za oceno njihove učinkovitosti. Izbrane eksperimentalne preiskave se nanašajo na ciklične strižne preiskave posameznih kamnitih in opečnih zidov ki so prevzete iz eksperimentalne baze Zavoda za gradbeništvo Slovenije (ZAG), Fakultete za gradbeništvo in geodezijo Univerze v Ljubljani ter Zavoda za raziskave materialov in konstrukcij (ZRMK). Na primeru različnih izbranih preiskav utrjenih zidov so predstavljeni rezultati, ki predstavljajo obnašanje zidov pri simulaciji potresne obtežbe v ravnini. Pri izbiri eksperimentalnih raziskav je bil poudarek na različnih vrstah zidovja, vključno z opečnimi in kamnitimi zidovi, ki so bili utrjeni na različne načine. Različni nivoji predobremenitve in različni robni pogoji pri strižnih preiskavah so omogočili razvoj različnih porušnih mehanizmov zidov: upogibnega, strižnega ali mešanega. Pri predstavitvi eksperimentalnih preiskav so zajeti vsi podatki, ki so ključni pri pripravi analitične ocene modela in so bili pridobljeni v okviru izbrane eksperimentalne preiskave, vključno s preiskavami zidakov, uporabljenih malt in preiskav zidovja. Pomembno je poudariti, da je bila prva faza obravnavanih raziskav namenjena cikličnim strižnim preiskavam zidov. Nato so bile poškodbe sanirane z ustreznimi injekcijskimi maltami in zidovi utrjeni z različnimi sistemi ter v drugi fazi raziskav izvedene ciklične strižne preiskave utrjenih zidov. Predstavljen je pregled analitičnih modelov in smernic upoštevajoč italijanski CNR-DT 215/2018, nato ameriški standard ACI 440.7-22. Izračuni po omenjenih standardih so bili izvedeni za izbrane utrditve, ki so bile predmet opisanih eksperimentalnih preiskav. Poleg tega so bile analitične ocene izračunane za opisane preiskane zidove tudi po analitičnih modelih različnih avtorjev. Za celovitejšo analizo je bilo smiselno vključiti čim več rezultatov in primerov, da bi se lahko natančneje ocenila veljavnost in uporabnost različnih modelov pri različnih variacijah utrjevanj. Primerjava med eksperimentalnimi rezultati in analitičnimi izračuni je bila izvedena z namenom ugotavljanja ustreznosti analitičnih modelov za izračun prispevka k strižni nosilnosti nearmiranega zidovja pri potresni obtežbi. V nalogi so bile analizirane različne konfiguracije utrditev, za katere so bili za analitično oceno doprinosa utrditev k strižni nosilnosti uporabljeni enaki analitični modeli, ki so pokazali različne stopnje učinkovitosti. Vsak model je posebej primeren za določeno specifično konfiguracijo utrditev, kar se odraža tudi v razhajanjih med analitičnimi ocenami in rezultati preiskav. V sklopu naloge izdelane primerjave kažejo, da vsak analitični model ni primeren za vsako konfiguracijo utrditve.

Keywords:magistrska dela, gradbeništvo, kulturna dediščina, utrjevanje zidovja z FRP, ciklične strižne preiskave, potresna odpornost zidovja, porušni mehanizmi, predpisi standardov, prispevek strižne nosilnosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[I. Kulović]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XVIII, 93 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162625-aa15f921-29df-53f1-1a04-01aead12ba99 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:209255171 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Efficiency of different systems for strengthening walls with FRP: review and comparison of selected experimental investigations of walls and computational results according to various standards : master thesis
Within the scope of the master's thesis, experimental research on the effectiveness of shear strengthening with FRP systems and analytical models for evaluating their effectiveness is presented. The selected experimental investigations focused on cyclic shear tests of individual stone and brick walls, taken from the experimental database of the Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute (ZAG), the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering at the University of Ljubljana, and the Institute for Research in Materials and Constructions (ZRMK). Results from various selected tests on strengthened walls are presented, illustrating the behavior of the walls under simulated in-plane seismic loading. The emphasis in selecting experimental research was on various types of masonry, including brick and stone walls, which were strengthened in different ways. Different levels of preloading and varying boundary conditions during shear tests allowed for the development of different failure mechanisms in the walls: flexural, shear, or mixed. The presentation of the experimental investigations includes all crucial data necessary for preparing the analytical model assessment, obtained from the selected experimental research, including tests on bricks, mortars used, and masonry investigations. It is important to highlight that the first phase of the research focused on cyclic shear testing of unstrengthen walls, followed by the repair of the same wall damages with appropriate injection mortars, and preceded with the second phase of testing, which involved cyclic shear testing of the strengthened walls. An overview of analytical models and guidelines is presented, considering the Italian CNR-DT 215/2018 and the American standard ACI 440.7-22. Calculations according to these standards were performed for the selected strengthening methods that were the subject of the experimental investigations. Additionally, analytical assessments were also conducted using models developed by various authors. To conduct a more comprehensive analysis, it was beneficial to include as many results and examples as possible to more accurately assess the validity and applicability of different models for various reinforcement configurations. The comparison between experimental results and analytical calculations was carried out to evaluate the adequacy of analytical models for determining the contribution to shear strength of unreinforced walls under seismic loading. The thesis also analyzed different reinforcement configurations, for which the same analytical models were used to assess the contribution of the reinforcements to shear capacity, revealing varying degrees of effectiveness. Each model is specifically suited to a particular reinforcement configuration, which is reflected in the discrepancies between the analytical assessments and the test results. The comparisons made in the thesis indicate that not every analytical model is suitable for every reinforcement configuration.

Keywords:master thesis, civil engineering, cultural heritage, strengthening masonry with FRP, cyclic shear tests, seismic strengthening resistance, failure mechanisms, code provisions, contribution of shear strength

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