
Tomato pomace as a source of hydrocolloids for preparation of emulsions
ID Kjiroska, Andrijana (Author), ID Cigić, Blaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Temkov, Mišela (Comentor)

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In the last years, the need to utilize food waste has significantly grown. That comes from the increased production of waste in the food industry. One of those is the tomato processing industry, where a large quantity of tomato pomace is obtained. Due to its composition, it can be used to enrich different food or nutraceutical products, mainly with dietary fiber and carotenoids. We have used the dried tomato pomace to prepare milling fractions with different particle sizes. Fractions were chemically characterized and used for the preparation of soybean, chickpea and bean spreads supplemented with 1% or 2% fraction with fine and medium sized particles. A comparison between spreads with and without added tomato pomace was made and the influence on pH, color and textural characteristics was determined. The addition of tomato pomace led to a decrease in the pH values of all samples. The color intensified as a result of the present carotenoids in the samples. After the addition of tomato pomace and pasteurization, textural parameters (firmness, consistency, cohesiveness, index of viscosity) increased for vast majority of the samples. The largest change was noted in the samples with 2% of medium tomato pomace sifting fraction added.

Keywords:tomato pomace, legumes, emulsion, hydrocolloids, dietary fibers, functional foods, vegetable spreads
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[A. Kjiroska]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162609 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208977155 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Paradižnikove tropine kot vir hidrokoloidov za pripravo emulzij
V zadnjih letih se je potreba po izrabi odpadne hrane močno povečala. To izhaja iz povečane proizvodnje odpadkov v živilski industriji. Ena od teh je predelovalna industrija paradižnika, kjer se pridobivajo velike količine paradižnikovih tropin. Zaradi svoje sestave ga lahko uporavljamo za obogatitev različnih živil ali prehanskih izdelkov, predvsem s prehranskimi vlakninami in karotenoidi. Posušene paradižnikove tropine smo uporabili za pripravo mlevskih frakcij z različno velikostjo delcev. Frakcije smo kemijsko karakterizirali in uporabili za pripravo sojinih, čičerikinih in fižolovih namazov, dopolnjenih z 1% ali 2% deležem frakcij s finimi in srednje velikimi delci. Naredili smo primerjavo med namazi z in brez dodanih paradižnikovih tropin ter ugotavljali vpliv na pH, barvo in teksturne lastnosti. Dodatek paradižnikovih tropin je povzročil znižanje pH vrednosti vseh vzorcev. Obarvanost se je okrepila zaradi prisotnih karotenoidov v vzorcih. Po dodatku paradižnikovih tropin in pasterizaciji so se teksturni parametri (trdota, konsistenca, kohezivnost, indeks viskoznosti) povečali pri veliki večini vzorcev. Največjo spremembo smo določili pri vzorcih z dodatkom 2% deleža frakcije s srednje velikimi delci.

Keywords:paradižnikove tropine, stročnice, emulzije, hidrokoloidi, prehranska vlaknina, funkcionalna živila, rastlinski namazi

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