
Od Sovjetov do večnosti – sodobna kiparska struktura na liniji avantgarde / Groteska, himera in sklepnik
ID Todorić, Isidora (Author), ID Furlan, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kreft, Lev (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 55BF3BA4B37BC2447616B9CFED6CE75C

V magistrski nalogi bomo razmišljali o nastopu digitalne miselnosti. Ugotovili bomo, da se ta na primer pojavi že z avantgardo, pred samim nastopom interneta, kot ga poznamo danes in novih tehnologij, s katerimi običajno povezujemo digitalnost v sodobnosti. Specifično bomo digitalnost v samem mišljenju iskali in tudi našli pri zgodnjesovjetskem filmu. Poleg drugih avtorjev-režiserjev, pri katerih bomo črpali navdih, se bomo še največ vezali na Sergeja Eisensteina. Pri njem gre digitalnost iskati v principu sovjetske montaže, ki ga je prakticiral. Ta v svoji biti temelji na principih nasprotij, dihotomij. Iz tega bomo naredili preskok in pokazali kako tudi sam internet, kot recimo provizoričen nosilec digitalnosti v sodobnosti, temelji na nasprotjih. Da pa bi prehodil to pot, se bomo vmes ustavili še pri likovnih umetnikih, kiparjih in performerjih, ki filmski jezik in mišljenje prevajajo v likovnost. Za nas bo to pomemben pokazatelj prevodnosti filmskosti in njene miselnosti ter posledično digitalnosti v druge medije. Tako bomo prišli do same podobe; v našem primeru koncepta revne podobe, ki bo premostil prestop iz kinematografije na internet. Tam se bomo ustavili, da bi si pogledali primere praks iz internetne pokrajine, katerih metodologije so skoraj identične umetniško-zgodovinskim. Pokazati želimo tudi kako internetno kulturo in zgodnjesovjetski film družita dejanski družbeni in jezikovni vpliv na resničnost. Na koncu si bomo dovolili še skromen prispevek z naše strani, ki poskuša vse omenjene miselnosti sintetizirati v montažno strukturo, ki naj bi se vsakič znova spreminjala z nastopom novega konteksta.

Keywords:kiparstvo camp digitalno internet montaža revna podoba sodobnost sovjetski film magistrska naloga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162570 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2024
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Title:From Soviets to Eternity - contemporary sculptural structure on the avant-garde line / The grotesque, the chimera and the keystone
For our thesis we will be thinking about the becoming of digital thought. What we will find out is that we can look for it in the avant-garde, before the coming of internet as we know it today and new technologies asociated with contemporaneity. Specifically, we will look for and find digital thought in early soviet cinema. Besides other authors-directors we will mosty focus on Sergei Eisenstein. He forms digital thought in the principles of his montage techniques. They are in their core based on dichotomies. From here we leap to show how the internet itself as the pole bearer of today's digitality is founded on dichotomies. To walk this route we should stop by visual artists, sculptors and performers specifically to show how they translate film language to visual art. For us this will be important for it shows how cinematography and thus consequently digitality transfers to other media. By this way we arrive to image; in our case the concept of poor image to bridge the gap between cinema and internet. We stop there to show exmples of internet scape works the methodology of which is almost identical to that of artistic ones, historically speaking. Our wish is to show how this internet culture and eary soviet cinema both carry a real social and linguistic impact on society. in the end, a small contribution form our side to synthesize all this thought in to a montage structure taht changes each time with each new contexts given.

Keywords:sculpture camp digital internet editing poor image contemporaneity soviet film MA thesis

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