
Vloga starševskega posredovanja pri zgodnji uporabi digitalne tehnologije (0-5)
ID Küčan, Nina (Author), ID Lobe, Bojana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Živimo v času, ko ima digitalna tehnologija vedno večji pomen v našem življenju. Tako odrasli kot otroci smo večji del našega časa zavestno ali nezavestno povezani z digitalno tehnologijo. Otroci v današnjem času pridejo v stik z digitalno tehnologijo že zelo zgodaj, kar je v največji meri odvisno od njihovih staršev. Starši so tisti, ki svoje otroke prvi seznanijo s tehnologijo in jih digitalno izobrazijo. Mnenja in pogledi staršev na zgodnjo uporabo digitalne tehnologije pri njihovih otrocih so seveda različni. V svoji nalogi sem ugotavljala, kako in na kakšen način so današnji otroci vpeti v digitalno tehnologijo, katere medije uporabljajo in v kolikšni meri. Pozanimala sem se še, kakšen je pogled staršev glede uporabe digitalnih naprav pri njihovih otrocih, in ali jih vsebinsko ter časovno omejujejo. Prav tako sem analizirala stališče staršev glede pozitivnih in negativnih vplivov digitalne tehnologije na njihove otroke. Podatke za analizo sem pridobivala s poglobljenimi intervjuji z osmimi starši otrok.

Keywords:digitalna tehnologija, starševsko posredovanje, vsebinsko omejevanje, časovno omejevanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162561 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2024
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Title:The role of parental mediation in young children's (0-5) digital technology use
The importance of digital technology in our daily lives is now bigger than ever. Both adults and children spend much of their time using digital technology, whether this is done consciously or not. Nowadays, children become aware of digital technology quite early on, which depends mostly on their parents. Parents are the ones who introduce technology to their children and start digitally educating them. Parent’s opinions and views on the early use of digital technology of their children are of course different. In my thesis, I have determined how and in what ways young children (aged 0-5) form part of the digital world, which media they are using, and to what extent. I have also gained perspective on parents’ opinion of their children’s digital devices/gadgets use, and whether they impose restrictions on the content and the amount of time spent. Lastly, I have analysed the viewpoints parents have concerning the positive and negative impact of digital technology on their children. Data for the analysis have been collected using in-depth interviews with eight parents.

Keywords:digital technology, parental mediation, content restriction, time restriction

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