
Spol kot dejavnik oblikovanja vrednosti blagovnih znamk v Sloveniji
ID Špiler, Lana (Author), ID Burger, Anže (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Spol predstavlja pomembno dimenzijo osebnosti tržnih znamk, saj vpliva na potrošnikovo poistovetenje z znamkami ter njihovo vrednotenje. Kot tak je ključen pri oblikovanju strategij, saj vpliva na identiteto potrošnikov in njihovo zaznavanje blagovne znamke. V naši nalogi smo z empirično raziskavo želeli preučiti vpliv spola potrošnikov, spola znamk in njihove narave (utilitarne, hedonistične) na subjektivno vrednost znamk. Potrdili smo le tretjo hipotezo, ki povezuje moškost oziroma ženskost znamk z njihovim hedonističnim ali utilitarnim značajem. Prva in druga hipoteza nista pokazali statistično značilnih povezav, vendar smo pri prvi opazili, da anketiranci bolj cenijo androgine znamke, ki združujejo lastnosti obeh spolov. Na podlagi rezultatov naše analize bi podjetjem priporočili, da pri ustvarjanju in vodenju svojih znamk kot del njihovih osebnosti upoštevajo tudi dimenzijo spola. Bolj natančno svetujemo, da upoštevajo sodobna pojmovanja in razumevanja spola, saj lahko to vodi k večji vrednosti znamke in boljšemu sprejemanju med potrošniki.

Keywords:osebnost tržnih znamk, vrednost znamk, spol, utilitarizem, hedonizem
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162557 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Gender as a factor in shaping the value of brands in Slovenia
Gender represents an important dimension of brand personality, as it affects the consumer's identification with brands and their evaluation. As such, it is crucial in the formulation of strategies, as it affects the identity of consumers and their perception of the brand. In our assignment, we wanted to examine the influence of the gender of consumers, the gender of brands and their nature (utilitarian, hedonistic) on the subjective value of brands through empirical research. We confirmed only the third hypothesis, which connects the masculinity or femininity of brands with their hedonistic or utilitarian character. The first and second hypotheses did not show statistically significant correlations, but in the first one we noticed that the respondents value more androgynous brands that combine the characteristics of both sexes. Based on the results of our analysis, we would recommend companies to consider the gender dimension as part of their personalities when creating and managing their brands. More precisely, we advise that they take into account modern conceptions and understandings of gender, as this can lead to greater brand value and better acceptance among consumers.

Keywords:brand personality, gender, utilitarianism, hedonism, brand equity

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