
Prostovoljstvo in Civilna zaščita - dejavniki motivacije
ID Poljanšek Virk, Barbara (Author), ID Juvan, Jelena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomska naloga je zastavljena kot raziskovalna naloga na področju prostovoljstva v Civilni zaščiti v Republiki Sloveniji, natančneje v občini Domžale. Sestoji iz teoretičnega ter empiričnega dela z zaključkom. V sklopu teoretičnega dela je sprva predstavljen pojem motivacije posameznika ter motivacijskih faktorjev oziroma motivov, ki motivirajo in spodbujajo posameznike k njihovim odločitvam. Na kratko sta predstavljeni dve motivacijski teoriji, ki temeljita na zadovoljevanju potreb posameznika, in sicer Maslowa motivacijska teorija ter teorija samodoločenosti. V nadaljevanju je predstavljen pojem prostovoljstva, teoretična delitev prostovoljstva na formalno in neformalno prostovoljstvo. Nato se v diplomski nalogi osredotočam na formalno prostovoljstvo, lastnosti in motivacijo prostovoljca za prostovoljno delo ter pomen prostovoljnega dela. Predstavljen je tudi pojem civilne zaščite ter umestitev le-te v sistem varstva pred naravnimi in drugimi nesrečami v Republiki Sloveniji. Za raziskovalni vzorec sem si izbrala Civilno zaščito v občini Domžale, zato je v diplomski nalogi na kratko predstavljena tudi občina Domžale ter večje naravne ali druge nesreče, ki so jo prizadele med leti 2012 ter 2023. V empiričnem sklopu diplomske naloge so podani rezultati ter analiza anonimnega anketnega vprašalnika ter zaključek z ugotovitvami. Rezultati anonimnega vprašalnika so pokazali, da se posamezniki za prostovoljno delovanje v Civilni zaščiti v občini Domžale odločajo na podlagi svojih notranjih interesov, motivov in notranje motivacije. Prevladuje želja po pomoči in podpori drugim, pridobivanju novih znanj, veščin in izkušenj ter osebnostnem razvoju, kar nakazuje na prevladovanje teorije samodoločenosti.

Keywords:prostovoljstvo, Civilna zaščita, motivacija, dejavniki motivacije
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162555 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Volunteering and Civil Protection - motivation factors
The thesis is based as research of voluntarism in civil protection in Republic of Slovenia, focusing on Civil protection established in the municipality of Domžale and is compounded of theoretical and empirical part with conclusion. In empirical part of thesis beside the conclusion, data and analysis of anonymous questioner can be found. In the theoretical part can be found theoretical background of motivation, volunteering and civil protection. At first, we can find theory of motivation and explanation regarding motivational factors and motives which drives an individual into decision making. Followed by a brief introduction of two motivational theories, Maslow's motivational theory and self-determination theory. Further on, the volunteering itself is introduced. We distinguish between formal and informal volunteering. Thesis is focused on a formal volunteering. In this section of the thesis we are introduced to characteristics of volunteering, motivation of individual's decision for volunteerism and meaning of it to an individual. Later on follows introduction of civil protection and its placement in the system of protection against natural and other disasters in Republic of Slovenia. The research is based on a sample of Civil protection established in the municipality of Domžale, therefore, a short introduction of municipality follows. Any major natural or other disasters that appeared in Domžale between years 2012 and 2023 are presented in short. An analysis of obtained answers via anonymous questionnaire issued to volunteers participating in Civil Protection shows that individuals decided for volunteerism in Civil Protection based on their internal interests, motives and internal motivation. In desire to provide help and support to others, in acquiring new knowledge, skills and experience, personal growth and development, they decided to volunteeringly join into Civil Protection. Which lead to conclusion that a self-determination theory prevails among individuals when we are talking about volunteerism in Civil Protection.

Keywords:voluntary work, civil protection, motivation, motivational factors

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