
Spodbujanje socialne povezanosti učencev z uporabo ustvarjalnega giba pri pouku : magistrsko delo
ID Hrovat, Nelli (Author), ID Geršak, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti, ali se socialna povezanost razreda in s tem socialni odnosi v razredu izboljšajo, če pri pouku uporabljamo pristop ustvarjalni gib, pri katerem učenci veliko sodelujejo s svojimi sošolci  v primerjavi z običajnimi učnimi urami, ki ne vključujejo ustvarjalnega giba. Poleg tega me je tudi zanimalo, kako se učenci med takšnimi učnimi urami počutijo v primerjavi s počutjem med učnimi urami, ki ne vključujejo aktivnega pristopa ustvarjalni gib, in kako to vpliva na socialno povezanost razreda. Teoretični del obravnava učenje in gibanje, ki se nato povežeta v ustvarjalni gib. Predstavljen je ustvarjalni gib kot način dela pri pouku, njegova definicija, značilnosti in kaj nam omogoča v šolskem prostoru oz. pri pouku. Definirala sem ga kot aktivni način učenja, predstavila vrste gibalno-plesne ustvarjalnosti in opredelila, kakšen vpliv ima način dela z ustvarjalnim gibom na socialni razvoj učencev. Ker se raziskava magistrskega dela veže na socialni razvoj otroka, je v teoretičnem delu predstavljen tudi socialni razvoj otrok po fazah in kaj je za določeno fazo značilno, kaj so socialne veščine (osredotočila sem se na socialni veščini sodelovanje in sodelovalno učenje) ter socialni odnosi v razredu in kaj je socialna povezanost. Teoretični del se zaključi z definicijami in ugotovitvami iz literature o povezavi ustvarjalnega giba in socialne povezanosti. Empirični del vključuje del raziskave projekta Intervencijski program za dvig 24-urne gibalne dejavnosti osnovnošolskih otrok, ki jo je izvedel tim Fakultete za šport Univerze v Ljubljani in Pedagoške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani. V raziskavo so bili vključeni trije peti razredi, to je skupaj dvainsedemdeset učencev in učenk. Vsi učenci so sodelovali v vseh dejavnostih, ki so bile pomembne za pridobivanje podatkov in sem jih potrebovala za oblikovanje zaključne ugotovitve. Sodelovali so v dejavnostih kodizajna, v dveh sociometričnih preizkušnjah in učnih urah z ustvarjalnim gibom. Podrobno je predstavljen in analiziran tisti del raziskave, ki se navezuje na učne ure z ustvarjalnim gibom in s sociometrično preizkušnjo ter je povezan s pridobivanjem ugotovitev, pomembnih za oblikovanje zaključka o spremembi socialne povezanosti učencev treh petih razredov, ki so bili poučevani z ustvarjalnim gibom. Rezultati so pokazali, da se je v dveh razredih socialna povezanost izboljšala, vendar ni pokazala statistično pomembnih razlik. Na rezultate socialne povezanosti je vplivalo tudi dobro počutje učencev pri učnih urah z ustvarjalni gibom in več sodelovanja med učenci. Končni rezultat sociometrične preizkušnje ni pokazal velike razlike v socialni povezanosti učencev, kar je posledica tega, da sta bili v vsakem razredu izpeljani le dve učni uri z ustvarjalnim gibom. Če bi želela pridobiti več podatkov glede dolgoročne socialne povezanosti učencev v razredu, bi morala raziskavo izvajati dlje časa in izvesti več ur z ustvarjalnim gibom.

Keywords:Gibalna vzgoja, Izkustveno učenje, ustvarjalni gib, povezanost razreda, peti razred, učni pristop
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:N. Hrovat
Number of pages:100 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162554 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:209062915 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Promoting social cohesion among students through the use of creative movement in the classroom
The purpose of the master's thesis was to determine whether the social cohesion of the class and thus the social relations in the class improve if the teaching approach is used in the lessons, in which the students cooperate a lot with their classmates, compared to normal lessons that do not include the method creative movement. In addition, I was also interested in how students feel during such lessons compared to how they feel during lessons that do not include an active creative movement approach and how also affects the social cohesion of the class. The theoretical part deals with learning and movement, which are then connected in a creative movement. The creative movement is presented as a way of working in lessons, its definition, characteristics and what it enables us in the school space or lessons. I defined it as an active way of learning, presented the types of movement-dance creativity and defined what influence the way of working with creative movement has on the overall development of students and on their social development. Since the research of the master's thesis is also related to the social development of the child, the theoretical part also presents the social development of children by stages and what is characteristic of a certain stage, what are social skills, I focused on the social skill of cooperation and collaborative learning and social relations in class and what social cohesion is. The theoretical part concludes with definitions and findings from the literature on the connection between the creative movement and social cohesion. The empirical part includes part of the research scope of the project Intervention program to increase the 24-hour physical activity of elementary school children, which was carried out by the team of the Faculty of Sport of the University of Ljubljana and the Faculty of Education of the University of Ljubljana. Three fifth-grade classes were included in the research, i.e. a total of seventy-two male and female students. All students participated in all activities that were important for obtaining data and I needed them to form the final conclusion. They participated in co-design activities, two sociometric tests and lessons with creative movement. The part of the research, which is related to lessons with creative movement and sociometric testing, is presented and analyzed in detail and is connected with obtaining findings important for formulating a conclusion about the change in the social connection of three fifth graders due to the use of creative movement. The results showed that social cohesion improved in two classes, but extremely little. After that, well-being during lessons with creative movement and more cooperation between students during lessons also had an impact. The fact that there is no big changed in result in the sociometric test, which is the result of the fact that only two lessons with creative movement were conducted in each class. If I wanted to get more data on the longterm social connection of students in the classroom, I would have to conduct the research over a longer period of time and more lessons should be carried out with this teaching approach.

Keywords:creative movement, class cohesion, fifth grade, experiential learning, teaching approach

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