
Delovanje Evropske unije v Sahelu: EU kot varnostni in podnebni akter
ID Pahor, Dimitrij (Author), ID Juvan, Jelena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo analizira delovanje Evropske unije (EU) v regiji Sahel v zadnjem desetletju, s posebnim poudarkom na varnostnih in podnebnih izzivih, s katerimi se spopadajo predvsem države G5 Sahel. Sahel je za EU strateško pomemben zaradi svoje geopolitične lege kot tranzitne točke za migracije iz Afrike v Evropo in je prvi resni izziv za zunanje delovanje EU po sprejetju Lizbonske pogodbe in ustanovitvi Evropske službe za zunanje delovanje (EEAS). Raziskovalni problem je osredotočen na proučitev delnega neuspeha EU-strategij v Sahelu, ki so se izkazale za premalo celostne in nezadostno prilagojene zapletenim razmeram v regiji, zlasti glede vpliva podnebnih sprememb na varnostno situacijo. Naloga predlaga, da bi morala EU v prihodnje usmeriti svoje politike v bolj integriran pristop, ki bi združeval varnostne in podnebne vidike, ter tako prispevati k trajnostnemu razvoju in stabilnosti regije. Kljub izboljšavam v vojaških zmogljivostih držav Sahela so politike EU premalo prispevale k dolgoročnemu reševanju temeljnih izzivov, kar zahteva premislek o novih strategijah sodelovanja z državami Sahela.

Keywords:Sahel, Evropska unija, Evropska služba za zunanje delovanje, podnebne spremembe, podnebna varnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162553 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2024
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Title:EU Policies in the Sahel: The EU as a Security and Climate Actor
This Master's thesis analyses the European Union's (EU) engagement in the Sahel region over the last decade, with a particular focus on the security and climate challenges faced by the G5 Sahel countries in particular and the EU's response to them as an external actor. The Sahel is strategically important for the EU due to its geopolitical position as a transit point for migration from Africa to Europe and represents the first serious challenge for EU external action since the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty and the establishment of the European External Action Service (EEAS). The research problem focuses on examining the partial failure of EU strategies in the Sahel, which have proved to be insufficiently holistic and ill-adapted to the complex situation in the region, in particular with regard to the impact of climate change on the security situation. The findings of this work propose that the EU's future policies in the region should strive for a more integrated approach, combining security and climate aspects, in order to contribute to the sustainable development and stability of the region. Despite improvements in the military capabilities of the Sahel countries, EU policies have not contributed sufficiently to addressing the underlying challenges in the long term, which calls for a rethink of new strategies for engagement with the Sahel countries.

Keywords:Sahel, European Union, European External Action Service, climate change, climate security

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