
Urbanistična revitalizacija soseske Zlato Polje v Kranju
ID Vučko, Maja (Author), ID Fikfak, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Grom, Janez Peter (Comentor)

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Magistrsko delo se ukvarja z urbanistično revitalizacijo stanovanjske soseske Zlato Polje, ki je bila zgrajena v Kranju v začetku šestdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja. Predmet revitalizacije je tako območje z obstoječimi stanovanjskimi bloki, ki so bili v povojnem času zgrajeni za delavski sloj, in javni prostor med bloki, ki je tekom desetletij izgubil svoj pomen in vsebine. V uvodu je predstavljena problematika počasi propadajočega stavbnega fonda, zgrajenega po drugi polovici 20. stoletja, z vzroki, posledicami in možnimi rešitvami. Skozi teoretični del so proučeni nastanek in razvoj stanovanjskih sosesk, doba socialističnih stanovanj, postsocialistična doba, ki ji je sledila, ter nenazadnje doba prenove večstanovanjskih sosesk, ki nas še čaka. Osnova za snovanje revitalizacije obravnavanega območja so bila teoretska izhodišča skupaj s primeri dobrih praks iz tujine in domačega okolja ter izsledki analiz. Koncept naslavlja omenjene probleme in predlaga dopolnitev obstoječih struktur ter preureditev zelenih, parkirnih in prometnih površin na način, ki bi podaljšal življenjsko dobo soseske. Poudarek je na dvigu kakovosti bivanja v soseski, spodbujanju vključevanja skupnosti in izboljšanju njene splošne podobe. Predlagane urbanistične rešitve stremijo k ustvarjanju varnega, dostopnega in privlačnega bivalnega okolja za prebivalce ter širšo skupnost Zlatega Polja.

Keywords:urbanizem/revitalizacija/stanovanjska soseska/Kranj/Zlato Polje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162551 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:211771139 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2024
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Title:Urban revitalization of the Zlato Polje neighborhood in Kranj
The master’s thesis deals with the urban revitalization of the residential neighborhood Zlato Polje, built in Kranj in the early 1960s. The subject of revitalization is thus the area with the existing residential blocks, which were built in the post-war period for the working class, and the public space between the blocks, which has lost its meaning and content over the decades. In the introduction, the problem of the slowly decaying building stock, built after the second half of the 20th century, is presented with causes, consequences, and possible solutions. Through the theoretical part of the master’s work, the creation and development of residential neighborhoods, the era of socialist housing, the post-socialist era that followed it, and last but not least, the era of renovation of multi-apartment neighborhoods that still await us are studied. The basis for planning the revitalization of the area in question was the theoretical starting point, along with examples of good practices from abroad and the domestic environment, as well as the results of analyses. The concept addresses the problems above and proposes the addition of existing structures and the rearrangement of public, parking, and traffic areas in such a way as to extend the life of the neighborhood. The emphasis is on raising the quality of living in the neighborhood, encouraging community involvement, and improving its general image. The proposed urban planning solutions strive to create a safe, accessible, and attractive living environment for the inhabitants and the wider community of Zlato Polje.

Keywords:urbanism/revitalization/residential neighborhood/Kranj/Zlato Polje

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