
Uporaba vodi prilagojenega urbanističnega načrtovanja pri razvoju stanovanjske soseske Stožice
ID Štokelj Hlede, Rebeka (Author), ID Juvančič, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Atanasova, Nataša (Comentor)

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Diplomska naloga obravnava trajnostno oblikovanje vodi prilagojenih urbanih prostorov, pri čemer se osredotoča na območje Stožic v Ljubljani. Tradicionalna urbana infrastruktura pogosto ne omogoča učinkovitega vračanja vode v naravni vodni krog, zato je potrebno načrtovanje modro-zelenih elementov, ki zadržijo vodo in jo infiltrirajo v podtalnico. Z diplomsko nalogo sem želela predstavit pomembnost združevanja prostorskega načrtovanja z upravljanjem voda tudi na območjih, ki niso poplavno ogrožena. Stožice, zaradi prodnate sestave tal ponujajo dobro priložnost za ponikanje padavinske vode v podtalnico namesto v mešani kanalizacijski sistem z uporabo trajnostnih rešitev. Rezultat naloge je urbanistična idejna zasnova stanovanjske soseske z elementi modro-zelene infrastrukture, ki sledijo načelom koncepta vodi prilagojenega urbanističnega načrtovanja.

Keywords:urbanizem/vodoprepustnost/trajnost/modro-zelena infrastruktura/prostorsko načrtovanje/urbana odvodnja/Stožice
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162550 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2024
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Title:The use of Water sensitive urban design in the planning of the Stožice residential neighborhood
The thesis deals with the sustainable design of water-adapted urban spaces, focusing on the Stožice area in Ljubljana. Traditional urban infrastructure often does not allow the efficient return of water to the natural water cycle, so it is necessary to design blue-green infrastructure elements that retain water and infiltrate it into the groundwater. With the thesis, I wanted to present the importance of combining spatial planning with water management even in areas that are not at risk of flooding. Stožice area, due to the gravelly composition of the soil, offer a good opportunity to drain rainwater into the groundwater instead of into a mixed sewage system using sustainable solutions. The result of the task is an urban conceptual design of a residential neighborhood with elements of blue-green infrastructure that follow the principles of the water-adapted urban planning concept.

Keywords:urban planning/water permeability/sustainability/blue-green infrastructure/spatial planning/ urban drainage/Stožice

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