
Zasnova kolesarjem prijazne soseske v ljubljanskih Stožicah
ID Prevec, Eva (Author), ID Juvančič, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mladenovič, Luka (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi z naslovom Zasnova kolesarjem prijazne soseske v ljubljanskih Stožicah sem želela zasnovati sosesko, ki ponuja neprekinjeno, direktno, privlačno, varno in udobno kolesarsko omrežje. Urbanistična zasnova soseske je popolnoma podrejena omrežju poti, vzpostavljenih za boljšo prehodnost območja, predvsem za kolesarje in pešce. Najprej sem s pomočjo literature in terenskih opažanj načrtovala omrežje poti in določila prometni režim. Obstoječe ceste sem preuredila v ceste z enosmernim avtomobilskim prometom, kolesarske ulice in skupni prometni prostor, uredila kolesarske in pešpoti na celotnem območju ter z novo prometno ureditvijo pešcem in kolesarjem zagotovila čimbolj neposredne poti. Na območju v Stožicah sem predvidela tudi 3 območja z omejenim prometom motornih vozil po zgledu barcelonskih superblokov. Načrtovano kolesarsko omrežje je povezano z obstoječim, za zagotavljanje neprekinjenih kolesarskih povezav. V urbanistično zasnovo je vključena tudi druga kolesarska infrastruktura, kot so kolesarska parkirišča in stojala za popravilo koles. Urbanistična ureditev območja v Stožicah uporabnike spodbuja, da za krajše poti raje izberejo kolo namesto avtomobila, kar pripomore k zmanjšanju emisij in pozitivno vpliva na zdravje ljudi.

Keywords:urbanizem, kolesarjenje, Stožice, trajnostna mobilnost, promet, Ljubljana
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162547 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:212119811 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Designing a bicycle-friendly neighbourhood in Stožice, Ljubljana
In my thesis, Designing a bicycle-friendly neighbourhood in Stožice, Ljubljana, I wanted to design a neighbourhood that offers a continuous, direct, attractive, safe and comfortable cycling network. The urban design of the neighbourhood is completely subordinate to the network of paths created to improve the permeability of the area, especially for cyclists and pedestrians. First, I used literature and field observations to design the path network and determine the traffic regime. I converted the existing roads into one-way roads, bicycle streets and shared space, laid out cycle and pedestrian routes throughout the area, and provided pedestrians and cyclists with the most direct routes possible through the new traffic layout. I have also foreseen 3 zones with restricted motor traffic in the Stožice area, following the example of Barcelona's superblocks. The planned cycle network is linked to the existing one to ensure continuous cycle connections. Other cycling infrastructure such as bike parking and bike repair stands are also included in the urban design. The urban design of the area in Stožice encourages users to choose cycling over car for shorter journeys, which helps to reduce emissions and has a positive impact on human health.

Keywords:urban planning, cycling, Stožice, sustainable mobility, traffic, Ljubljana

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