
Amerikanizacija japonske ekonomije in konec zaibatsujev
ID Murgec, Nataša (Author), ID Culiberg, Luka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu obravnavam ameriško okupacijo Japonske, zaradi lažjega razumevanja vpliva in sprememb, pa tudi obdobje pred drugo svetovno vojno ter obdobje po okupaciji. Moj namen je bil ugotoviti, ali so reforme, ki so jih ameriške sile izvajale med okupacijo Japonske po drugi svetovni vojni, amerikanizirale japonsko ekonomijo ali ne. Prav tako razpravljam, kako so reforme, ki so jih sprejemali, vplivale na razpustitev zaibatsujev in posledično na japonsko gospodarstvo. Zato sem v raziskavi preučila različne zgodovinske in ekonomske članke ter knjige, ob katerih sem se seznanila s procesi uveljavljanja reform ter posledicami le teh. V obdobju pred vojno so bili zaibatsuji ključni v japonskem gospodarstvu, saj so imeli veliko gospodarsko moč in vpliv na vlado ter s tem tudi na politiko Japonske. Ker pa so zavezniške sile želele demilitarizirati in demokratizirati državo, je njihov glavni cilj poleg demokratizacije države postala tudi razpustitev zaibatsujev. S tem so želeli japonsko gospodarstvo amerikanizirati in ustvariti prosti trg, kjer bo prevladovala konkurenca med podjetji in ne več monopol.

Keywords:amerikanizacija, zaibatsu, japonska ekonomija, okupacija Japonske, zgodovina
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162538 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Americanization of the Japanese economy and the end of the zaibatsu
This diploma work deals with the American occupation of Japan, however the period before the Second World War and the period after the occupation of Japan is also included for easier understanding of the impact and changes. The purpose of this work is to determine whether the reforms implemented by the American forces during the occupation after the Second World War Americanized the Japanese economy and how they affected the dissolution of the zaibatsu. It also delves into how the dissolution of the zaibatsu affected the Japanese economy. For this purpose, I have studied various historical and economic articles and books, through which I have learned about implementation of reforms and their consequences. In the period before the war, the zaibatsu were crucial in the Japanese economy, as they had great economic power and influence over the government and thus also over the politics of Japan. However, since the Allied forces wanted to demilitarize and democratize the country, their main goal, in addition to democratizing the country, also became the dissolution of the zaibatsu. With this, they wanted to Americanize the Japanese economy and create a free market where competition between companies would prevail and there would no longer be a monopoly.

Keywords:Americanization, zaibatsu, Japanese economy, occupation of Japan, history

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