
Razvoj programa za spremljanje komunikacije med nadzorno enoto in modemom v pametnih števcih
ID Mlakar, Blaž (Author), ID Nemec, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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S hitrim razvojem naprav, ki imajo vedno več funkcionalnosti, se razvojni oddelki v podjetjih soočajo z vse zahtevnejšim delom. Njihova naloga je, da čim hitreje preverijo pravilnost implementacije novih funkcionalnosti, pri čemer morajo obstoječe funkcije še vedno delovati brezhibno. Z večanjem nabora elementov za preverjanje se podaljšuje tudi čas, ki ga preizkuševalec potrebuje, kar pa za podjetje ni najbolje. Podobno velja tudi za pametne števce, ki uporabljajo G3-PLC komunikacijo. Za pospešitev preizkušanja G3-PLC komunikacije smo v tem magistrskem delu razvili program, ki omogoča nadzor nad UART komunikacijo med centralno procesno enoto pametnega števca in G3-PLC modemom. Program poenostavlja proces preizkušanja, saj samodejno preverja pravilnost nastavljenih atributov in jih primerja s priporočili. V prvem delu naloge je predstavljeno teoretično ozadje G3-PLC komunikacije, ki je ključno za razumevanje pomena posameznih atributov G3-PLC modema. Za razvoj programa, ki nadzira komunikacijo na UART vodilih, je treba celovito razumeti potek te komunikacije in protokol, ki se uporablja za komunikacijo med enotama. Zato je v naslednjem delu podrobno razložen protokol, ki ga pametni števci podjetja Iskraemeco d. d. uporabljajo za komunikacijo z modemom. Pri razvoju programa so bile uporabljene tehnike objektnega programiranja in nitenja, kar omogoča bolj modularno zasnovo in hkratno obdelavo večjega števila nalog. Potek razvoja, zahteve in arhitektura so opisani v zadnjem delu naloge. Prikazan je tudi primer uporabe, ki potrjuje, da program izboljša učinkovitost preizkušanja in zmanjšuje možnost napak zaradi človeškega faktorja, s čimer prispeva k boljši zanesljivosti in učinkovitosti pametnih števcev v omrežju.

Keywords:G3-PLC, UART, pametni števec, nitenje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162498 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.09.2024
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Title:Development of a program for the monitoring of the communication between the control unit and the modem in smart meters
With the rapid development of devices, which number of functionalities is increasing, development departments in companies face increasingly demanding tasks. Their role is to verify the regularity of the implementation of new functionalities as quickly as possible while ensuring that existing functions continue to operate flawlessly. As the range of elements to be tested increases, the time required for testing also increases, which is not ideal for companies. This also applies to smart meters that use G3-PLC communication. To expedite the testing of G3-PLC communication, I developed a program for my master's thesis that enables monitoring of UART communication between the central processing unit of a smart meter and the G3-PLC modem. The program simplifies the testing process by automatically verifying the correctness of set attributes and comparing them with recommended values. The first part of the thesis presents the theory of G3-PLC communication, which is crucial for understanding the significance of individual G3-PLC modem attributes. To develop a program that monitors communication on UART interfaces, it is necessary to thoroughly understand the communication flow and the protocol used for communication between units. Therefore, the next part explains in detail the protocol used by Iskraemeco d. d. smart meters for communication with the modem. In the program were used object-oriented programming and threading techniques, which are enabling the simultaneous execution of multiple tasks. The last section of the thesis details the development process, including the initial requirements and the architecture of the program. It also provides a use case example, illustrating that the program enhances testing efficiency and reduces the potential for human error. This improvement leads to increased reliability and effectiveness of smart meters within the network.

Keywords:G3-PLC, UART, smart meter, threading

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