
Vizualno raziskovanje odnosa med posameznikom in svetom v knjigi umetnika
ID Rauch, Eva (Author), ID Bricelj, Suzana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Nabernik, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 5238D4CBD3AA028417849DFEC71010CE

V magistrski nalogi obravnavam knjigo umetnika, njeno definicijo, zgodovino, pomen in področja. Analiziram primere knjig umetnika, v katerih se osredotočam predvsem na tiste značilnosti, ki se navezujejo na moj izdelek. Ugotavljam, da obstaja neomejeno število možnosti raziskovanja in manipulacije medija knjige. Vizualno raziskujem odnos med posameznikom in svetom s preučevanjem serije ilustracij, materialne pojavnosti knjige in krajšega avtorskega besedila. Prikažem izvedbo makete knjige umetnika, ki prikazuje cikličnost subjektivnih občutij iskanja oziroma izgubljanja svojega mesta v svetu. Analiziram likovno podobo ilustracij in na podlagi analiz knjig umetnika v to področje umestim lastni izdelek ter ga opišem.

Keywords:vizualne komunikacije ilustracija domišljijska ilustracija knjižna ilustracija knjigoveštvo knjiga umetnika magistrska naloga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162483 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:A Visual Exploration of the Relationship Between the Individual and the World in an Artist's Book
In this MA paper I discuss the artist's book, its definition, history, meaning and areas. I analyze examples of artists’ books, focusing in particular on those characteristics that relate to my product. I establish that there is an unlimited number of possibilities to explore and manipulate the medium of the book. I visually explore the relationship between the individual and the world through a series of illustrations, the material manifestation of the book and a short author’s text. I present a mockup of the artist's book that shows the cyclical nature of the subjective feelings of finding or losing one's place in the world. I analyze the artistic image of illustrations and based on the analysis of the artists’ books place my own product in this field and describe it.

Keywords:visual communications illustration illustrated fiction book illustration bookbinding artist’s book MA thesis

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