
Ocena tveganja erodibilnosti flišnih klifov na slovenski obali
ID Pisk, Eva (Author), ID Verbovšek, Timotej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo obravnava erodibilnost slovenske obale, za katero so značilni klifi, zgrajeni iz siliciklastičnih flišnih kamnin. Izdelanih je bilo 17 kart ogroženosti, ki so temeljile na štirih različnih metodah: originalna RG metoda, modificirana RG metoda, skrajšana RG metoda, CVI, CVI-hrvaška verzija in metoda »Campania«. Modificirana in skrajšana RG metoda izhajata iz originalne RG metode. Obala je bila razdeljena na 30 odsekov. Vsakemu smo določili stopnjo ogroženosti za padanje kamenja s pomočjo zgoraj naštetih metod. Indekse vsakega odseka smo združili v štiri ali pet razredov, kjer prvi razred predstavlja najmanjšo, četrti oziroma peti razred pa najvišjo nevarnost. Rezultate smo predstavili na kartah, kjer je vsak razred označen z drugo barvo: zeleni barvi predstavljata odseke prvega in drugega razreda, tretji razred je obarvan rumeno, četrti oranžno in peti rdeče. Tretji razred se ne pojavlja v vseh metodah, vendar smo ga na koncu, pri poglavju Primerjave rezultatov, zaradi lažje primerjave dodali vsem metodam. Glavni cilj je bil primerjati rezultate in ugotoviti, katera metoda podaja najbolj natančne rezultate. Dognali smo, da se rezultati raziskav med seboj zelo razlikujejo. Na koncu smo prišli do zaključka, da je najbolj primerna metoda »Campania«, saj ima najbolj pravilno razporejene odseke, torej ima največ rdeče in oranžno obarvanih odsekov na lokacijah: 7–8, 14–22 in 25–30.

Keywords:erozija klifa, karta ogroženosti, slovenska obala, fliš, indeks ogroženosti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162468 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Risk assessment of the erodibility of the Slovenian coastal cliffs
The diploma thesis deals with the erodibility of the Slovenian coastline, which is characterised by cliffs built of siliciclastic flysch rocks. 17 hazard maps were produced, based on four different methods: the Original RG method, the Modified RG method, the Abbreviated RG method, the CVI, the CVI-Croatian version and the "Campania" method. The Modified RG Method and the Shortened RG Method are derived from the Original RG Method. The coastline was divided into 30 sections. Each of them was assigned a rockfall hazard level using the methods listed above. The indices of each section were grouped into four or five classes, where the first class represents the lowest and the fourth and fifth classes represent the highest hazard, respectively. The results are presented on maps where each class is marked with a different colour: the green colours represent the first and second class sections, the third class is coloured yellow, the fourth orange, and the fifth red. The third class does not appear in all methods, but we have added it to all methods at the end, in the Results Comparisons section, to facilitate comparison. The main aim was to compare the results and see which method gives the most accurate results. We found that the results of the surveys differed widely. In the end, we came to the conclusion that the "Campania" method is the most suitable, as it has the most correctly distributed sections, i.e. it has the most red and orange coloured sections in locations 7–8, 14–22 and 25–30.

Keywords:cliff erosion, risk assessment, Slovenian coast, flysch, hazard index

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