
Ali je Njeno življenje Zofke Kveder feministični roman?
ID Mihurko, Katja (Author)

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V prvem delu referata so problematizirana tista raziskovalna izhodišča, ki zavračajo spoznanja sodobne feministične literarne teorije ali jih ne upoštevajo, nato pa je predstavljen raziskovalni predmet feministične literarne teorije. V drugem delu so spoznanja feministične literarne teorije aplicirana na roman Zofke Kveder Njeno življenje. Z raziskovalnimi pristopi, ki jih ponuja feministična literarna teorija, v njem odkrivamo doslej prezrte reprezentacije materinstva in tematizacije problema vzpostavitve ženske identitete, ki jih avtorica prikazuje tako, da bralke in bralce vzpodbuja k premisleku o lastni identiteti in položaju žensk v družbi na začetku 20. stoletja in danes. Zato ni mogoče pritrditi sodbam, ki so bile do sedaj izrečene v slovenski literarni zgodovini o tem romanu, ampak jih je potrebno delno zavrniti, delno pa dopolniti z novo oznako »feministični roman«.

Keywords:slovenska književnost, roman, feministični roman, feministična literarna teorija, materinstvo, Njeno življenje
Typology:1.08 - Published Scientific Conference Contribution
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Number of pages:Str. 129-137
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162431 This link opens in a new window
UDC:821.163.6.09-31 Kveder Z.
COBISS.SI-ID:31468642 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.09.2024
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Record is a part of a monograph

Title:Slovenski roman
Editors:Miran Hladnik, Gregor Kocijan
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:Center za slovenščino kot drugi/tuji jezik pri Oddelku za slovenistiko Filozofske fakultete
COBISS.SI-ID:125833472 This link opens in a new window
Collection title:Obdobja
Collection numbering:21
Collection ISSN:1408-211X

Secondary language

The first part of the paper problematizes the research postulates that reject the findings of the contemporary feminist literary theory or do not take them into consideration. The paper then goes on to present the research topic of the feminist literary theory. In the second part of the paper the findings of feminist literary theory are applied to Zofka Kveder's novel Njeno življenje. With the investigative approaches offered by feminist literary theory the author discovers representations of motherhood that have been until now overlooked, and thematizations of the construction of feminine identity that are presented in the way as to stimulate the reader's reflection about his/her own identity and the position of women in the society at the beginning of the 20 th c. and today. It is thus not possible to agree with the evaluations of this novel that have been previously given by the literary history; rather, they have to be partially rejected and partially supplemented with the new characterization, i.e., the feminist novel.

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