
Uporaba PLK-ja za razvoj in simulacijo pametnega doma
ID SPAHIĆ, MARKO (Author), ID Karer, Gorazd (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu sem predstavil uporabo Siemens LOGO! krmilnika (PLK-ja) za simulacijo pametne inštalacije v stanovanjskem objektu. Cilj simulacije je bil ugotoviti, ali je ta PLK primeren za izvajanje osnovnih in malo bolj kompleksnih pametnih inštalacij. Na začetku sem predstavil, kaj sploh je in kateri so ključni elementi pametne inštalacije v stanovanjskem objektu, nato pa sem opisal uporabljene metode in postopke, ki so me pripeljali do same realizacije tovrstne simulacije. Pri delu sem najprej uporabil PLK Siemens LOGO! verzije 8.3, ki pa je zaradi omejenega pomnilnika in zmogljivosti povzročal težave. Vključitev novejše verzije 8.4 v simulacijo je odpravila te omejitve ter omogočila uspešno nadaljevanje oziroma dokončno izvedbo simulacije. V procesu sem izdelal testno tablo za postavitev in napajanje PLK-jev, programiral simulacijo v programskem okolju Siemens LOGO! Soft Comfort ter razvil spletno stran za upravljanje simulacije s programskim okoljem Siemens LOGO! Web Editor. Končni rezultati so pokazali oziroma dokazali, da je uporaba PLK-ja Siemens LOGO! mogoča v pametnih inštalacijah za upravljanje električne energije, razsvetljave, prezračevanja, ogrevanja, zbiralnika deževnice in nadzora rolet. Simulacija je potrdila, da je sistem zanesljiv, stabilen in primeren za ustvarjanje optimalno avtomatiziranega stanovanjskega objekta. Tako sem z izdelavo simulacije dokazal, da PLK Siemens LOGO! predstavlja učinkovito in enostavno rešitev za pametne inštalacije. Pridobljeno znanje in izkušnje mi bodo v veliko pomoč pri prihodnjem načrtovanju in razvoju tovrstnega sistema v mojem bodočem domu.

Keywords:pametne inštalacije, Siemens LOGO!, avtomatizacija, PLK, energetska učinkovitost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162426 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208774915 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Implementation of a PLC for smart-home development and simulation
In this thesis, I present the use of the Siemens LOGO! controller (PLC) for simulating a smart installation in a residential building. The goal of the simulation was to find out whether this PLC is suitable for implementing basic and slightly more complex smart installations. First, I present is the controller and the key elements of a smart installation in a residential building, followed by a description of the methods and procedures used that led me to the realization of this kind of simulation. I originally used the Siemens LOGO! version 8.3 controller, but it presented problems due to limited memory and performance. The inclusion of the newer version 8.4 in the simulation eliminated these limitations and enabled the successful continuation or final execution of the simulation. In the process, I made a test board for setting up and powering the controllers, programmed the simulation in the Siemens LOGO! Soft Comfort 8.4, and developed a website for managing the simulation with the Siemens LOGO! Web Editor. The final results proved that the PLC Siemens LOGO! can be used in smart installations for the management of electricity, lighting, ventilation, heating, rainwater collection, and blind control. The simulation confirmed that the system is reliable, stable, and suitable for creating an optimally automated residential building. Thus, by creating a simulation, I proved that the Siemens LOGO! controller represents an effective and simple solution for smart installations. The knowledge and experience acquired will be invaluable to me in the planning and development of this type of system in my future home.

Keywords:Smart installation, Siemens LOGO!, automation, PLC, energy efficiency.

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