
Doživljanje in izražanje ranljivosti moških v medosebnih odnosih
ID Hari Tavčar, Veronika (Author), ID Kuhar, Metka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi smo raziskali temo doživljanja in izražanja ranljivosti moških v medosebnih odnosih. Skozi pregled spreminjajočega se koncepta moškosti, od tradicionalnega do sodobnega, ugotavljamo, kako so družbene spremembe vplivale na izražanje moških čustev in ranljivosti. Pri tem smo upoštevali različne dejavnike, kot so družinska dinamika, vzgojni procesi in medosebni odnosi. Čeprav tradicionalne norme še vedno vplivajo na moško identiteto, pa je danes vse bolj prisoten koncept »novega« moškega, ki se odpira čustveni preobrazbi. V empiričnem delu se osredotočamo na analizo avtobiografskih del treh slovenskih avtorjev, ki skozi svoje izkušnje nakazujejo transformacijo moškega dojemanja lastne ranljivosti. Rezultati kažejo, da se moški vedno bolj oddaljujejo od tradicionalne podobe čustveno zadržanega posameznika, kar nakazuje na večjo sprejemljivost in odprtost glede izražanja čustev v sodobni družbi. Raziskava izpostavlja pomen kulturnih in socialnih dejavnikov, ki spodbujajo večjo sprejemljivost ranljivosti v sodobni družbi ter odpira vprašanja o tem, kako ta premik vpliva na moške v različnih življenjskih situacijah.

Keywords:ranljivost, moška ranljivost, doživljanje ranljivosti, izražanje ranljivosti, medosebni odnosi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162415 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Experiencing and expressing men's vulnerability in interpersonal relationships
In the diploma thesis, we investigated the topic of experiencing and expressing men's vulnerability in interpersonal relationships. Through an examination of the changing concept of masculinity, from traditional to modern, we determine how social changes have affected the expression of men's emotions and vulnerabilities. In doing so, we took into account various factors, such as family dynamics, educational processes and interpersonal relationships. Although traditional norms still influence men's identity, today the concept of a "new" man who is open to emotional transformation is increasingly present. In the empirical part, we focus on the analysis of the autobiographical works of three Slovenian authors, who through their experiences indicate the transformation of men's perception of their own vulnerability. The results show that men are increasingly moving away from the traditional image of an emotionally reserved individual, which indicates greater acceptance and openness regarding the expression of emotions in modern society. The research highlights the importance of cultural and social factors that promote greater acceptance of vulnerability in modern society and raises questions about how this shift affects men in different life situations.

Keywords:vulnerability, male vulnerability, experiencing vulnerability, expressing vulnerability, interpersonal relationships

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