
Istospolna usmerjenost kot stigma v delovnem okolju
ID Zalar, Petra (Author), ID Kanjuo-Mrčela, Aleksandra (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomske naloge je osvetliti odnos zaposlenih do njihovih istospolno usmerjenih sodelavcev, za katerega menim, da ni še zadosti tematiziran v strokovni javnosti, ki se ukvarja z organizacijskimi in kadrovskimi vprašanji. Do osvetlitve tega pojava sem prišla s pomočjo prebrane literature in dostopnih raziskav, izvedenih na tem področju, uradnih gradiv ter prebranih teoretičnih besedil. Istospolno usmerjene osebe se pogosto srečujejo z diskriminacijo in nasiljem tako v javnem življenju, kot tudi na delovnem mestu. Največ je verbalnega nasilja. Na delovnem mestu se jih zaradi strahu pred šikaniranjem, možnimi ovirami pri napredovanju, morebitni izgubi zaposlitve, razkrije manj kot polovica. Pritožb istospolno usmerjenih oseb na neenako obravnavo na delovnem mestu praktično ni, saj ta ni nikoli navedena kot razlog, pa tudi istospolno usmerjeni bi se morali v tem primeru razkriti. Menim, da bo moj pregled tuje in slovenske literature in pravnega okvirja delodajalcem v pomoč pri izboljšanju organizacijske kulture.

Keywords:istospolna usmerjenost, diskriminacija, nasilje, razkritje, organizacijska kultura
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162412 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Homosexual orientation as a stigma in the work environment
The aim of the diploma thesis is to shed a light to the attitude of employees towards their homosexual colleagues, which I believe is not sufficiently thematized in the proffesional public that deals with organizational and personnel issues. I came to the light of this phenomenon with the help of the literature I read and accesible research carried out in this field, official materials and theoretical texts read. Homosexuals often face discrimination and violence both in public life and in the workplace. There is a lot of verbal violence in the workplace. Because of the fear of bullying, possible obstacles with advancement of employment, less than half of them disclose their sexuality. There are practically no complaints from homosexuals about unequal treatment in the workplace, since this is never given as a reason and also in this case, homosexuals should disclose their sexuality. I believe that my review of foreign and Slovenian literature and the legal framework will help employers improve their organizational culture.

Keywords:same-sex orientation, discrimination, violence, disclosure, organizational culture

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