
Večdimenzionalno merjenje deprivacij : magistrsko delo
ID Grilc, Ema (Author), ID Tadič, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Revščina je socialni pojav. Njeno pojmovanje se spreminja v skladu z ekonomskimi in političnimi spremembami v družbi. Do konca osemdesetih se je revščina pojmovala kot enodimenzionalna deprivacija, ki je temeljila na dohodku prebivalca. Danes dojemamo revščino kot večdimenzionalno deprivacijo. V teoretičnih izhodiščih so predstavljeni koncepti revščine, ki so se razvijali od začetka 20. stoletja do danes, in sicer: absolutni, relativni, relativne deprivacije in socialne izključenosti. Podrobneje je predstavljena tudi njihova operacionalizacija, ki poda podroben odgovor, kako vsak posamezen koncept meri revščino. Opravljena raziskava temelji na večdimenzionalnem merjenju deprivacij. Raziskava poleg dohodkovne dimenzije vključuje še sedem dimenzij, in sicer: dimenzijo materialne prikrajšanosti, dimenzijo subjektivnega dojemanja revščine, dimenzijo stanovanjskih pogojev, dimenzijo socialnih vezi, dimenzijo zaposlovanja, dimenzijo izobraževanja in dimenzijo zdravja. V raziskavi so preizkušene štiri hipoteze, vse s hotenjem osvetlitve obravnavane teme z več zornih kotov. Naloga prikazuje, kako se dohodkovna dimenzija in drugih sedem dimenzij med seboj dopolnjujejo. Pomanjkanje denarnih sredstev na ravni posameznika (dohodkovna dimenzija) se namreč odraža tudi na drugih področjih (dimenzijah), in sicer: kako je ta materialno prikrajšan, kako osebno dojema pomanjkanje denarnih sredstev, v kakšnih pogojih stanuje, v kolikšni meri navezuje stike v okolju, v katerem živi, v kolikšni meri je prisoten na trgu dela, v kolikšni meri je (ne)uspešen pri izobraževanju in kakšno je njegovo zdravje. Kazalnik revščine, ki temelji samo na dohodku (dohodkovna dimenzija), je bistven, vendar v današnjem času ne zadostuje za zadovoljiv prikaz razmer, v katerih živi tisti, ki ima dohodek nižji od praga revščine.

Keywords:Revščina, Družbena izključenost, deprivacija, prag revščine, socialna izključenost, večdimenzionalna deprivacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:E. Grilc
Number of pages:92 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162407 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208660483 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Multidimensional measurement of deprivations
Poverty is a social phenomenon. Its perception changes in line with economic and political changes in society. Until the end of the 1980s, poverty was understood as a one-dimensional deprivation based on per capita income. Today, poverty is perceived as a multidimensional deprivation. The theoretical background presents the concepts of poverty that have evolved from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day: absolute, relative, relative deprivation and social exclusion. Their operationalisation is also presented in more detail, providing a detailed answer on how each concept measures poverty. The research carried out is based on a multidimensional measurement of deprivation. In addition to the income dimension, the survey includes seven dimensions: the material deprivation dimension, the subjective perception of poverty dimension, the housing conditions dimension, the social ties dimension, the employment dimension, the education dimension and the health dimension. The study also tests four hypotheses, all of which aim to shed light on the topic from several perspectives. The exercise shows how the income dimension and the other seven dimensions complement each other. Lack of money at the level of the individual (income dimension) is reflected in other areas (dimensions): how materially deprived the individual is, how he or she perceives the lack of money personally, the conditions in which he or she lives, the extent to which he or she interacts in the environment in which he or she lives, the extent to which he or she is present on the labour market, the extent to which he or she is (un)successful in education, and the extent to which he or she is in good health (health dimension). A poverty indicator based on income alone (the income dimension) is essential, but it is not sufficient today to give a satisfactory picture of the situation of those living below the poverty line.

Keywords:deprivation, poverty line, poverty, social exclusion, multidimensional deprivation

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