
Zatiranje ameriškega škržatka (Scaphoideus titanus) s parafinskim oljem
ID Škrabar, Mateja (Author), ID Trdan, Stanislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rak Cizej, Magda (Comentor)

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Ameriški škržatek (Scaphoideus titanus Ball) je monofagni škodljivec, ki se prehranjuje z rastlinskimi sokovi na vinski trti, s čimer ne povzroča neposredne škode, posredno pa je škodljiv kot prenašalec fitoplazme povzročiteljice bolezni vinske trte, znane kot Grapevine flavescense dorée (FD), podskupine 16SrV-C in -D zlata trstna rumenica. Kljub povečani uporabi insekticidov za zatiranje ameriškega škržatka, in sicer 2-3-krat letno je prag gospodarske škode (4 odrasli osebki ameriškega škržatka/ploščo/teden) v mnogih vinogradih presežen. Namen te naloge je bil ugotoviti učinkovitost uporabe mineralnega olja za zatiranje nimf ameriškega škržatka jeseni oziroma spomladi. Poskus smo izvajali jeseni leta 2023 in spomladi leta 2024 v vinogradu na Sladki Gori, na vinski trti sorte 'Laški rizling'. V poskusu smo uporabili mineralno olje Belo olje Karsia (a. s. parafinsko olje) v odmerku 8,0 l/ha, in sicer tako v jeseni kot spomladi. Dvoletni les po posameznih obravnavanjih in ponovitvah smo dali v rastno komoro Kambič, kjer smo spremljali razvoj in število izleglih nimf ameriškega škržatka. Razmere v rastni komori so bile naslednje: temperatura 21 °C, 70 % relativna zračna vlaga in dolžina dneva (osvetlitve) 15 ur. Izleganje nimf ameriškega škržatka v rastni komori smo pregledovali redno, in sicer 3-krat tedensko. Ugotovili smo, da je mineralno olje Belo olje učinkovito za zatiranje nimf ameriškega škržatka. Število izleglih nimf ameriškega škržatka je pri jesenski aplikaciji z mineralnim oljem bilo za polovico manjše od kontrolnega obravnavanja. Pri spomladanski aplikaciji je mineralno olje bilo enkrat manj učinkovito od jesenskega zatiranja ameriškega škržatka. Dobljeni rezultati potrjujejo našo hipotezo, da je z mineralnim oljem mogoče zmanjšati populacijo nimf oziroma odraslih osebkov ameriškega škržatka in posledično tveganje za širjenje fitoplazme FD, povzročiteljice karantenske bolezni zlate trstne rumenice.

Keywords:ameriški škržatek, Scaphoideus titanus, fitoplazme Grapevine flavescense dorée, zatiranje, mineralno olje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162392 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208922371 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.09.2024
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The American leafhopper (Scaphoideus titanus Ball) is a monophagous pest that feeds on plant juices on the vine causing no direct damage. However, it is indirectly harmful as a vector of the phytoplasma Grapevine flavescense dorée (FD), the causal agent of the grapevine disease. Despite the increased use of insecticides to control the American leafhopper, which is a valuable tool in the fight against this pest, the economic damage threshold of 4 adult American leafhopper /plot/week has been exceeded in many vineyardsIt would be beneficial to monitor the American leafhopper during the growing season, as the abundance of the pest during this period can influence its damaging effect. The objective of this study is to assess the potential efficacy of mineral oils as a means of controlling American leafhopper in the autumn and spring, respectively. The results of the study indicated that a mineral oil in the insecticide Karsia Belo olje (a. s. paraffin oil) may be an effective control measure for American leafhopper larvae. Our findings suggest that the number of hatched American leafhopper larvae in the autumn mineral oil treatment was approximately half that in the control treatment. We also observed positive results from the spring mineral oil application, although it was less effective than the autumn application. The results obtained appear to support the hypothesis that the mineral oil may have the potential to reduce the population of American leafhopper and consequently reduce the risk of spreading FD, the causal agent of quarantine disease.

Keywords:american leafhopper, Scaphoideus titanus, phytoplasma Grapevine flavescense dorée, control, mineral oil

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