
Dejavniki vpliva na rabo pitja alkoholnih pijač in sodobnih elektronskih medijev med dijaki v Varaždinski županiji
ID Šarić Posavec, Jelena (Author), ID Rotar Pavlič, Danica (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod. Varaždinska županija, ki leži na severu Hrvaške, ima dolgo tradicijo domače proizvodnje vina, zato je uživanje alkohola del tamkajšnje lokalne kulture. Mladi v Evropi zaužijejo skrb vzbujajoče veliko alkohola, pri čemer je Hrvaška pri vrhu lestvice. Cilj naše raziskave je bil identificirati porabo alkohola med dijaki srednjih šol varaždinske županije, prepoznati zaščitne in tvegane dejavnike, ki vplivajo na količino pitja med dijaki, ter raziskati uporabo sodobnih medijev. Poleg tega smo si prizadevali ugotoviti, ali obstajajo kakršne koli razlike v porabi med različnimi vrstami šol. Preiskovanci in metode. Opravili smo pregledno-presečno raziskavo, ki je zajemala 13 srednjih šol na območju varaždinske županije. Vzorec je zajemal celotno generacijo tretjih letnikov srednjih šol varaždinske županije (n = 1352). V raziskavo so bili vključeni vsi tretješolci, ki so podpisali soglasje. Podatki so bili zbrani z anketnim vprašalnikom. Pri bivariantni analizi smo uporabili neodvisni t-test in hi-kvadrat. Pri multivariantni analizi smo uporabili logistično regresijo. Rezultati. Kar 92,4 % dijakov je že uživalo alkoholne pijače. Ugotovili smo, da največ alkohola zaužijejo dijaki strokovnih šol, nato gimnazijci in dijaki medicinskih šol. Strožji starši in večja odločnost mater imata pozitiven vpliv na to, da dijaki uživajo manj alkohol. Najmočnejši dejavnik, ki vpliva na konzumacijo alkohola, je, če ga (redno in pogosto) uživa oče. Izsledki naše raziskave so pokazali, da lastništvo pametnega telefona in uporaba interneta nista povezana z uživanjem alkohola med srednješolci. Zaključek. Prvič so bili v raziskavo vključeni tudi dijaki medicinskih srednjih šol, pri čemer so izsledki pokazali presenetljivo visoko raven uživanja alkohola med njimi. Prav tako smo dokazali, da imajo psihosocialni dejavniki največji vpliv na uživanje alkohola med dijaki.

Keywords:uživanje alkohola, pivske navade, srednje zdravstvene šole, srednje šole, sodobni mediji, dejavniki tveganja, zaščitni dejavniki, Hrvaška
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Organization:MF - Faculty of Medicine
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162383 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Factors influencing the use of alcoholic beverages and modern electronic media among students of Varaždin Coutry
Introduction. The Varaždin County in northern Croatia, has a long tradition of domestic wine production, making alcohol consumption an integral part of the local culture. Young people in Europe consume alcohol at alarming rates, with Croatia ranking high on the list. Our research aimed to determine alcohol consumption among high school students in Varaždin County, identify protective and risk factors influencing the quantity of drinking among students, and explore the use of modern media. Additionally, we sought to determine if there were any differences in consumption among different types of schools. Respondents and Methods. We conducted a cross-sectional study, involving 13 high schools in the Varaždin County area. The sample included the entire third year of high school students in Varaždin County (n = 1352). All third-year students who signed informed consent were included in the study. Data were collected using a questionnaire. Independent t-tests and chi-square were used in bivariate analysis. Logistic regression was used for multivariate analysis. Results. A staggering 92.4% of the students had already consumed alcoholic beverages. We found that students of vocational schools consumed the most alcohol, followed by gymnasium students and students of medical schools. Stricter parents and greater maternal determination positively influenced students to consume less alcohol. The most influential factor affecting alcohol consumption was whether the father regularly and frequently consumed it. The results of our study indicated that owning a smartphone and internet usage were not correlated with alcohol consumption among high school students. Conclusions: For the first time, students from medical high schools were included in the study, which revealed a surprisingly high level of alcohol consumption among them. We also demonstrated that psychosocial factors have the greatest influence on alcohol consumption among students.

Keywords:alcohol consumption, drinking habits, medical high schools, high schools, modern media, risk factors, protective factors, Croatia

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