
Revitalizacija Majdičevega mlina v Kranju
ID Kremenović, Marijana (Author), ID Ifko, Sonja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Kranj je skozi svojo zgodovino igral pomembno vlogo na področju industrije. O tem danes v mestu pričajo mnogi industrijski objekti, med katerimi je tudi Majdičev mlin. Ta je leta 2022 pogorel in s tem postal aktualen problem Kranja. Leseno jedro mlina je v celoti pogorelo, ostal pa je opečnati obod. Magistrska naloga obravnava prenovo Majdičevega mlina, saj ima zaradi svoje strateške lege in delovanja skozi celotno zgodovino zelo pomembno vlogo za mesto. Na podlagi študije mlina, valorizacije, referenc in literature se zasnuje rešitev, s katero bi s prenovo mlina mesto pridobilo kakovosten in pomemben prostor za lokalno prebivalstvo ter mlinu povrnilo vlogo v razvoju mesta, kot jo je imel nekoč. Pri zasnovi magistrske naloge so bila upoštevana načela regenerativne arhitekture in turizma, kar pomeni, da je bil proces obnove usmerjen v trajnostno in okolju prijazno prenovo, ki ne le ohranja zgodovinsko dediščino, ampak tudi prispeva k izboljšanju kakovosti življenja in okolja v Kranju. V mlinu prevladujeta dva osrednja programa: eden je namenjen prebivalcem, drugi pa turistom. Zaradi strateške lege je Kranj vse bolj pogosto obiskovano mesto. Vzpon turistične panoge z leti potrebuje vedno več nastanitvenih kapacitet, zato je v sklopu prenove mlina v severnem delu predviden hostel. V južni del mlina se umesti športni program. Višina mlina in njegov obod omogočata višinsko prilagodljivost s prostori, prav tako pa nudi lokalni skupnosti dodatne prostore za druženje in gibanje. Prostor vmes je zasnovan kot trg, s katerim se tako programsko in arhitekturno povežemo z mestnim jedrom in reko Savo.

Keywords:revitalizacija, industrijska dediščina, Kranj, Majdičev mlin, hibridnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162348 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:211068931 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2024
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Title:Revitalisation of Majdič Mill in Kranj
Throughout its history, Kranj has played an important role in industry. Many industrial buildings in Kranj are witnessing to this today, one of them is the Majdič Mill. Because Majdič mill in 2022 burned down, that made problem for the city. The wooden core of the mill was completely destroyed, but the brick facade remained. The master thesis focuses on the renovation of Majdič Mill, recognizing its strategic location and historical importance as valuable assets for the city. Based on a study of the mill, along with valorization, references, and literature, a solution has been designed. The design of the thesis incorporates principles of regenerative architecture and tourism, meaning that the renovation process is directed towards a sustainable and environmentally friendly restoration that not only preserves historical heritage but also contributes to improving the quality of life and the environment in Kranj. The mill will have two main functions: one for residents and one for tourists. Due to its strategic location, Kranj is increasingly visited. The growth of the tourist industry requires more accommodation each year, so the renovation of the mill includes a hostel in the northern part. A sports program is planned for the southern part of the mill. The height and structure of the mill allow a flexible use of space, providing the local community with additional areas for socializing and exercise. The space in between serves as a square, connecting programmatically and architecturally with the town center and the Sava River.

Keywords:revitalisation, industrial heritage, Kranj, Majdičev mill, hybridity

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