
V objemu stoletnih dreves: Idejna zasnova terapevtskega centra za Parkinsonovo bolezen na območju Kristininega dvora v Celju
ID Špes, Ana (Author), ID Zorec, Maruša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rustja, Uroš (Comentor)

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Naloga obravnava tematiko porasta Parkinsonove bolezni in možne pristope zdravljenju. Poleg medicinske oskrbe se osredotoča tudi na druge terapije, kot je zelena terapija, ki dokazano pozitivno vpliva na počutje bolnikov in prispeva k boljšemu obvladovanju bolezni. Poudarek je na potrebah zdravstvenega sistema ter načelih terapevtske arhitekture in restorativnih okolij, ki podpirajo celostno oskrbo bolnikov. Obrečni prostor Savinje je bil zaradi regulacij poplav stihijsko preoblikovan in slabo urbaniziran, zato je pomembno vpeljati programe, ki prispevajo k razvoju kulturne krajine. Terapevtski center in park se odlično uvrščata v to kategorijo. Izgradnja terapevtskega centra za bolnike s Parkinsonovo boleznijo bi bila v Sloveniji prva in bi bila velik korak k izboljšanju oskrbe bolnikov. Takšno terapevtsko okolje bi omogočilo tudi širitev parka, ki bi se vključil v sistem že obstoječih zelenih površin ob reki Savinji. Zasnova terapevtskega centra je vezana na območje Kristininega dvora v Celju, kjer stojijo razvrednotene nepremične kulturne dediščine, kot sta baročni Kristinin dvor in Vila Kristina, ter obsežne parkovne površine z večstoletnimi drevesi. V bližini se nahajata tudi Srednja šola za hortikulturo in vizualne umetnosti ter vrtnarija. Projekt izkorišča potencial teh objektov z vzpostavitvijo večplastnega programa, ki bo revitaliziral območje in ustvaril terapevtski prostor, namenjen zdravljenju in rekreaciji. Na preplet problemov različnih tematik naloga poda odgovor v obliki projekta terpavetksega centra z vzpostavitvijo novega večplastnega programa v danes opuščenih in razvrednotenih objektih, ki bodo povezani s skupnim javnim prostorom, ki je krajinsko urejen tako da služi terapijam na prostem. Okoli objekta se ustvari nova krajinska ureditev javnih urbanih vrtov, katerih v Celju še ni, sam objekt pa postane točka na rekreativni poti Celje – Žalec.

Keywords:arhitektura, Parkinsonova bolezen, terapevtski center, Savinja, zeleni sistemi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162347 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2024
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Title:In the embrace of centennial trees: Conceptual design of a therapeutic center for Parkinson's disease in the area of Kristinin dvor in Celje
The study addresses the rise of Parkinson’s disease and it’s treatment. Besides medical care, the study also focuses on other types of therapy, including green therapy, which has been proven to have a positive impact on patient’s well being and contributes to the management of the disease. The emphasis of the study is on the needs of the healthcare system and the principles of therapeutic architecture and restorative enviroments that support comprehensive patient care. The river Savinja has been reshaped and poorly urbanized due to flood regulations, and is thus in need of an program that would contribute to the developement of the cultural landscape. A therapeutic center and park perfectly fit into this category. The construction of a therapeutic center for Parkinson’s disease, would be the first of it’s kind in Slovenia and would be a asignificant step towards improving the life quality of those afflicted by the disease. The therapeutic enviroment of the center would also allow for the expansion of the existing park, which would integrate into the system of green areas along the river Savinja. The design of the center in tied to the area of Kristina’s Manor in Cellje, where neglected cultural heritage properties stand, such as the baroque Kristina’s Manor and Vila Kristina, along with extensive park areas featuring centuries old trees. Nearby there is the School for Horticulture and visual arts. The project exploits the potential of these structures by establishing a multi-layered program that will revitalize the area and create a therapeutic space dedicated to treatment and recreation. The project provides a solution to the interwining issues in the area, by proposing a therapeutic center with the establishement of a multi-layered program in the currently abandoned and undervalued cultural heritage buildings, which will be connected together and to the therapeeutic center, by a common public space. The area surrounding the center will be landscaped to serve outdoor therapies, and will include an arrangement of public gardens, which do not yet exist in Celje, while the building itself will become a point of interest on the recreational path from Celje to Žalec.

Keywords:architecture, Parkinson’s disease, therapeutic center, Savinja, green systems

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