
Idejna zasnova programske in urbanistične prenove nekdanjega območja tovarne Papirservis v Ljubljani
ID Kestner, Tana Chris (Author), ID Filipič Gorenšek, Polona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Hočevar, Primož (Comentor)

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Magistrska naloga se ukvarja s problematiko hrupa v mestu. Hrup povzroča degradacijo prostora, ker naredi kraje neprijetne za življenje. Ima več virov, za mesto je najbolj problematičen prometni hrup, ki se v urbanem okolju povečuje. Omejevanje hrupa prometa je težje, ker na njega vpliva več dejavnikov, med drugim hitrost vožnje, tip motorja in vozna podlaga. Regulacija teh dejavnikov zmanjša hrup, ampak ne tako učinkovito kot prepoved prometa. Hrup slabo vpliva na zdravje ljudi, saj neposredno povzroča težave s sluhom, posredno pa povzroča tesnobo in stres pri ljudeh ter slabo vpliva na bolnike s srčnimi težavami. Je moteč dejavnik pri delu in povzroča motnje spanja. Čeprav je vpliv na fiziološko zdravje razmeroma majhen, je poglavitni problem predvsem dejstvo, da je hrupu izpostavljen velik del populacije. Posebno pozornost je potrebno nameniti tudi ljudem, ki takšne težave že imajo in se zaradi izpostavljenosti hrupu njihove bolezni še poslabšajo. Hrup je stalni dejavnik v mestih že od antičnih časov. Že v starem Rimu so omejevali promet, da so prebivalci lahko ponoči spali. V Sloveniji na podlagi regulativ Evropske unije omejujemo hrup v prostoru na različne načine. Prioritetni vrstni red je omejevanja hrupa v prostoru je, da se najprej prostorsko načrtuje območja, kjer se ne gradi hrupno občutljivih dejavnosti na hrupno obremenjenem prostoru, nato, da se zmanjša hrup na viru, nadalje se omeji prenos hrupa v okolje in nazadnje se zaščiti stavbe, ki so s hrupom že obremenjene. Izbrana lokacija je območje nekdanje tovarne Papirservisa in okolice. Območje je z dveh strani že omejeno z železnico, v načrtu pa je še en tir tovorne železnice. Železnica ne predstavlja problema samo zaradi hrupa, ampak tudi zaradi fizične pregrade, ki jo predstavlja v prostoru. Magistrska naloga izhaja iz izgraditve tega tira in poizkuša znotraj tega okvirja ustvariti prijetne prostor. Sočasno se v Ljubljani soočamo s pomanjkanjem študentskih stanovanj, trenutni študentski domovi povpraševanja ne dohajajo, zasebni trg pa ni dovolj reguliran in zato študentje živijo v neprimernih in predragih bivališčih.

Keywords:hrup, železnice, Vodmat, Moste, študentski domovi, degradirano območje, pisarne, športni objekt
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162339 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2024
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Title:Conceptual design of programatic and urbanistic renovation of former premesis of Papirservis factory in Ljubljana
The master's thesis deals with the problem of noise in the city. Noise causes the degradation of space because it makes places unpleasant to live in. It has several sources, the most problematic for the city is traffic noise, which has been increasing in the urban environment. Limiting traffic noise is more difficult, because it is affected by several factors, including driving speed, engine type and road surface. Regulating these factors reduces noise, but not as effectively as banning traffic. Noise has a bad effect on people's health, as it directly causes hearing problems, but also indirectly affects patients with heart problems as well as causing anxiety and stress in people. It is a disturbing factor at work and causes sleep disturbances. Although the impact on physiological health is relatively small, the main problem is the fact that a large part of the population is exposed to noise. Special attention should also be given to people, who already have such problems and whose diseases worsen due to exposure to noise. Noise has been a constant factor in cities since ancient times. Already in ancient Rome, traffic was restricted so that the inhabitants could sleep at night. In Slovenia, on the basis of European Union regulations, noise in the urban environment is limited in various ways. The priority order of limiting noise in the urban environment is to first spatially plan areas where no noise-sensitive activities are built, then to reduce the noise at the source, further to limit the transmission of noise into the environment and finally to protect the building, which are already burdened with noise. The chosen location is the area of ​​the former Papirservis factory and its surroundings. The area is already bounded by a railway on two sides, and another freight railway track is planned. The railway is not only a problem because of the noise, but also because of the physical barrier it represents in the space. The master's thesis is based on the construction of this track and tries to create a pleasant space within this framework. At the same time, we are facing a shortage of student housing in Ljubljana, the current student dormitories do not keep up with demand, and the private market is not sufficiently regulated, which is why students live in inappropriate and overpriced housing.

Keywords:noise, railways, Vodmat, Moste, student housing, urban degradation, office building, sport building

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