
Idejna zasnova športnega kompleksa v Gostivarju
ID Janevski, Aleksandar (Author), ID Slak, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo se osredotoča na problematiko neurejenega in degradiranega prostora ob reki Vardar v Gostivarju, ki že pet desetletij ne izkorišča svojega potenciala namenjenega športnim površinam. Predhodni posegi razvoja prostora niso bili uspešni, zato je območje ostalo neizkoriščeno in neprivlačno za prebivalce. Zaradi pomanjkanja kvalitetne infrastrukture trenutno stanje ne omogoča kakovostnega izkoriščanja prostora, saj nogometni stadion ne ponuja dovolj raznolikosti športnih dejavnosti in se ne povezuje z zelenimi območji v bližini. Vizija magistrske naloge je ustvariti športni center, ki bo namenjen tako profesionalnim kot rekreativnim športnikom. Pomemben poudarek je na javnem prostoru ter načrtovanju ukrepov za oživitev predela mesta, ki bo dostopen skozi celo leto. Magistrsko delo se osredotoča na analizo mesta Gostivar, dostopnostjo do lokacije, obstoječe športne vsebine, sintezo podatkov, oceno potreb ter načrtovanje razvoja športnega kompleksa, ki se navezuje na že obstoječo vsebino. Predstavljena je zasnova in prostorska ureditev športne dvorane, ki je prvotno namenjena večnamenski rabi ter ostalih spremljajočih programov z zunanjimi površinami, ki pomagajo športnemu centru ustvariti funkcionalno celoto. Konstrukcijska zasnova je najpomembnejši izziv in je predstavljena na koncu naloge.

Keywords:šport, rekreacija, športni center, športni kompleks, arhitektura, večnamenska dvorana, spremljevalni programi, javni prostor, park, športni park, urbanizem.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162337 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:210737155 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2024
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Title:Conceptual design of a sports complex in Gostivar
The master’s thesis focuses on the issue of the unregulated and degraded space along the Vardar River in Gostivar, which has held back the area’s potential for five decades. Previous interventions to develop the area have not been successful, resulting in the area remaining unused and unattractive to residents. Due to the lack of quality infrastructure, the current state does not allow for quality use of the space, the football stadium itself does not offer enough diversity of sports activities, and does not connect with nearby green areas. The vision of the master’s thesis is to create a sports center that will be designed for both professional and recreational athletes. A significant emphasis is on the public space and planning measures to revive the area of the city, which will be accessible throughout the year. The master’s thesis focuses on the analysis of the city of Gostivar, accessibility to the location, existing sports content, data synthesis, assessment of needs, and planning the development of a sports complex that connects to the existing content. The design and spatial arrangement of the sports hall, primarily intended for multi-purpose use, and other accompanying programs with outdoor spaces, which help create a functional unit for the sports center. The structural design is the most important challenge and is presented at the end of the thesis.

Keywords:sport, recreation, sports center, sports complex, architecture, multipurpose hall, accompanying programs, public space, park, sports park, urbanism.

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